It began with the news coverage on the relationship. He remembers the first time he found J distraught, crying in his bed. He thought she'll get over it. She seemed like a tough cookie and even did exceptionally well for her very first Press Conference, the Press Conference he hosted in attempt to clear up the slander concerning their relationship. But the backlash was proven insurmountable, which led him finding her again even more distraught in his bed, with a cold expression asking for space, almost like how Melania did all those years ago.

But unlike Melania, he can take comfort knowing that it wasn't his fault this time around, right?

But that's not all.

It's hard to admit, the next part was his fault.

Perhaps he was a bit rough on the girl after all.

After their short weeklong break, she returns to find a sullen and distant Trump who somehow dragged her into various heated arguments.

And the reason for his sullenness? During the weeklong break, Melania has came to move the rest of her stuff out, not leaving a trace of her almost twenty year presence behind in the massive apartment.

He knew he should've been prepared for this moment after how things were going, but he found himself rather saddened and depressed and not at all in the mood for his current clingy young girlfriend.

For example:

"Honeybun~!" The girl whines as she wraps her arms around the broad shoulders of the one who's reading a newspaper in bed. She's been away for a week and upon returning to him, she finds him surprisingly not giving the attention she craves and has grown accustomed to, not even initiating any sexual activity.

"Not now J." -_-; He responds, not looking up from his paper. This only elicit a response from the girl in the form of nuzzling into his neck. "I SAID not now!"

._. "Ok...!" Dejected, she curls up on her side of the bed to sleep. Only to be woken by...

The sunlight on her face and 6am glaring at her from the clock.

"Oh no! I'm going to be late!!" She jumps out of bed, her heart pounding, and begins to throw on her clothes. After brushing her teeth and arranging her little curls, she then runs into the kitchen to grab whatever snack she left on the counter the night before and then runs past his study, where Mr. Trump is preoccupied with grabbing some work stuff before heading to his office.

" I thought you was going to wake me up!!"

-_-; You are old enough to get your a$$ up J."

"But you were supposed to wake me up!"

At this, he sighs in clear annoyance, then looks down arranging his things, catching an attitude.

"Well, maybe it's about time for you to take responsibility and get your own a$$ up in time."

J feels hurt. This was an arrangement they have made since she's moved in and they both seemed to have really enjoyed it. Even though it was a little annoying to be woken up by him sometimes, it made her feel cared for, like being woken up by a parent for school. Not to mention that it was a HUGE help in assisting the often distracted girl to get up on time and stay focused during her morning routine. Why the change?

"But you promise!!" She whines, her voice becoming more strained in her hurt feelings.

"Go. To. Work. J." His eyes not leaving his documents.

Maybe it was the built up emotions from the lack of attention these past few days, plus him forgetting to wake her up this morning, she feels her self getting caught more in her feeling, getting angrier and deciding to push him further into an argument. Screw being on time. As it stands, she's due to be late anyway since it's already 6:30am.

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