forms and slots!

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be kind.
— be nice and respectful to me and everyone here. hateful comments will be deleted and reported. we're all here to have fun, so try to get along with one another. 

be diverse.
— create diverse characters (ethnicities, genders, backgrounds, sexualities etc.) get wild. 

be creative.
— don't make your character a one-sided and bland person. give them as much depth as possible but please, don't give them all a sob story. this is not fantasy or something, so there are certain limits. give them a background but don't make them a banned royal who has been hunted down by the government and everyone in their life has betrayed them. that's just not realistic. 

— please make your application as detailed as possible but keep it neat and organized. comment your character's name and then all the other aspects in a thread under that comment. i'll also accept google docs but they have to be organized too. remember that i need to know your characters better than they know themselves, so give me all the details. 

— there are seven slots in total, one of them is taken by me. which means there are six slots left and therefore i will accept six oc's. while the slot's names are the main purpose of the character, everyone will be involved in the song-writing process etc. it's just their official position in the band. your oc can also play more than the named instrument. 

— password is your most recently watched show/movie.  

be active.
— if you're accepted, vote and maybe comment at least once on every chapter so i see you're actually reading and enjoying the story. please don't ghost this. remember to fill in the opinions as soon as the cast is out and answer all the questions regarding your characters. sometimes, i'll put a question in the author's note when i want your input on something, so please react to those. 

— you can apply for three different slots but i'll only choose one oc per applicant. 

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