The Rescue

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"(Y/N), we're home. C'mon, you can sleep inside."

The owner of the voice shook me gently. My eyes adjusted slowly upon open. Jenna was sitting beside me in the limousine with the door open. I looked out the window to see Keith carrying his bag inside the house. I finally decide to get up when I notice there's one less person.

"Where's Pico?"

"He...left." She answers slowly."To go where?" I inquire."I'm not sure. I have an idea, but I could be wrong."

She takes my hand and we go inside the house, leaving Keith and her butler to carry our bags. She takes me up to her room, shutting the door before sitting beside me on her bed.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"N-not really." I say honestly, hugging my knees to my chest and burying my face. She rubs my back and turns the tv on for background noise.

"I'm sorry that your first vacation with us turned out so horrible."

"It's not your fault. I just hope Kapi is okay."

"I'm sure he's fine-"

"Breaking news in downtown Newgrounds City," we both turn to face the tv which showed a helicopter view of a field of small warehouses and five people on the ground, including a few cops on the sides.

One of them had bright orange hair and a green sweater."...Pico?"

"This just in near the Sunnyview Beach Hotel and Resort, a standoff between what looks to be Markus Albrecht, three teenage kids, and the police!"

"Markus? What the hell?!" I screamed."Are you seeing this?!"

"Yep, I'm definitely seeing it."

The reporter on the news continues to describe the situation we're seeing on screen. I tried to listen but I couldn't get over seeing Pico in a stand off with Markus. Why? Why is any of this happening? None of this makes any sense? I've never been so confused and scared in my life.

When will this end? When will all of this go away?

Jenna turns the tv back off and I'm left staring shocked at the black screen."I'm sure it's not what it looks like."

"He's being cornered by the police, what else would it look like?!"

"Pico is so good guy, I know he is! Just give him a chance to explain when he gets back-"

"Does that look like something he can come back from?! He could be going to jail! And why is Markus there?!"

"(Y/N)! Relax! Just take a breath and sit down." He gripped my shoulders and made me sit on the bed again. My breathing calmed down a bit before Keith came up and knocked on the door.

"I'm assuming you saw it too?"

We both nod and he sighs."I'm gonna go get him outta there. You girls stay here."

"What are you gonna do?" Jenna asks worriedly looking at her boyfriend."I have to get the truth and make sure he's okay. Don't worry, (Nickname), I'll bring your man back to you." Keith winks at me before going back down the hall. We heard him go down the stairs and leave the front door.

My cheeks flushed red. I'll bring your man back to you, he said.

"Don't you dare get any ideas, he's mine."

"Bitch please, keep the human blueberry all to yourself."

This comment lead to an all out war. And by war, I mean pillow fight.


Third POV

Keith was on the run toward the train station. On his phone, he watched the live updates given by the news station. When I arrived, there was a barricade around the entrance to the warehouse field with police guarding every angle. I got a running start to hop over one of the cars blocking my way and a cop notices me.

"You, stop right there!"

But of course, I don't listen. I successfully jump the car and reach the area where all the action is taking place. I notice Kapi on the ground holding his knee and rush to his side.

"What's going on? What's he doing?" I ask as I help him to his feet.

"Those guys...they've just been standing there pointing weapons at each other. I guess they're trying to see who moves first." He says with little to no air in his lungs.

I guide him to the police who help him through the blockade and get him into the ambulance. I ignore them once again as they call for me to go with him and I rush to Pico's side.

"Keith? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Keeping your ass outta jail. What the hell were you thinking coming here by yourself?"

"I'm not alone, Darnell and Nene are here."

"Yeah, I saw when the camera in the helicopter above us showed this scene all over the damn news!" I exclaim in his ear, only earning a sigh in return.

"We're on TV?!" Nene asks excitedly from where she stood.

"Of course we are!" Darnell answers. She turns to wave at the helicopter.

"Hi mom!"

Pico, Darnell and I shake our heads with a laugh."She hasn't changed a bit."

"But you've changed a lot, Lil Blue," Darnell smiles at me with a grenade in his hand."Finally hit that growth spurt, I see. Lil midget ass was the shortest n*gga in school." He laughs. I elbow him playfully."Haha, chill with that, bro."

"You too, huh? You were my next target." Markus smirks when he sees me.

"You're not getting any farther than this. The second you move, we're lighting your bitch ass up." Pico threatens.

"She saw you, you know?" I comment. The smirk on his face slowly disappears into a shocked expression."The entire city knows what a joke you are. And (Y/N)...there's no way she'd ever want you back. The things you've done, the people you've hurt, the lives you've taken...I'm sure even your father has seen you and is wondering where he went wrong."

"You don't know a damn thing about my father."

"I don't, but that doesn't matter. You're done. It's you against all of us. You're not winning."

He moves every so slightly and the rest of us tense up to prepare."Watch me."

He moves one foot forward before running towards us, shooting rapidly and wildly with little to no aim. Luckily he sucks, so it's easy for us to dodge. Unfortunately, one if his bullets hits a cop, which causes them to shoot at him.

Dodging bullets from both sides, I run to tackle Markus to the ground and grab the gun from his hand. I threw it to the side and released all of my anger onto his face. Once he wasn't moving, I stood up and stepped back.

"Damn, Blue!" Nene laughed when she saw how messed up his face was.

However, he still had enough fight left in him to get back up. Pico was fed up and he pulled the trigger of his uzi, shooting Markus in his abdomen. He cried and shouted in pain, bleeding profusely until he fell silent.

"Everyone drop your weapons and put your hands in the air!"

My hands immediately go up, showcasing Markus' blood on my knuckles. Pico begrudgingly drops his gun and raises his hands. Nene doesn't the same, as does Darnell.

"I didn't think the first time I saw you again would be with all of us going to jail." Darnell sighs.

"All we have to do is tell them what happened." Nene says.

"It's not that easy for me. Y'all see the color of my skin?" We could tell he was starting to panic, his hands visibly shaking as we were instructed to slowly walk towards the police with our hands up.

"Chill, we got you." Pico reassures him with a nod. The police take us into custody and drive us down to the station to be detained and questioned individually.

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