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A few hours pass and there's still no response from Kapi. At first I was winning or at least tying Pico at the games we played, but I started falling off as I grew impatient.

"I win again. Where's all that shit you were talkin' earlier?" Pico gloats with a stupid victory dance, having won again at Mario Kart. I wasn't paying attention, instead, I was checking my phone for the hundredth time to see if Kapi had texted me.

But he didn't.

A strange feeling took over my being and I dashed out of the arcade, running to the elevator and ascending to the fourth floor to Kapi's hotel room. I stand outside of it for a moment before reaching up to knock.

Knock knock knock


Knock knock knock

Still nothing.

Before I knock a third time, Pico finally catches up to me, jogging down the hall toward me."(Y/N), what's wrong? Why'd you take off like that?"

Without answering, I dial Kapi's number but sit, just listening to the dial tone ring for about a minute.

"What's the matter, why aren't you talking to me?"

"He hasn't answered."

"Maybe he's still asleep." He shrugged it off and tried to tell me to relax. I could hear something from the other side of the door. I grab the knob and lean, pressing my ear against the door but nearly fall when the knob turns and the door opens.

The door swings slowly open, revealing an empty room. The bed wasn't made properly, there was a suitcase in the corner of the room, the closet was open and right in front of the door we entered through, there was a small red stain in the carpet.

A blood stain.

My heart rate goes up, my breathing was out of control. I was in full on panic mode. Pico immediately noticed and grabbed my shoulders, looking me in my eyes."(Y/N), calm down. It's gonna be okay. Just relax."

He brought his hands to my face, using his thumbs to caress my cheeks as he smiled at me.

"T-t-the blood! O-on the floor! There's blood on the floor! We have to find him!" I didn't even realize I was shouting. The fear had consumed me and I didn't feel in control of anything.

Suddenly, I feel warmth pressing against my lips. I close my eyes and my breathing slows down, letting it happen. He pulls away, the sweet taste of his lips disappearing, but leaving me more collected than before.

"Let's go let the front desk know what happened. Try to stay calm, okay?"

I nod and he takes my hand, taking me back down to the lobby to find help. Seeing as I'm unable to speak, Pico relays everything we found to the woman behind the desk. She turns to me, seeing me trembling and on the verge of tears at this point. She picks up the phone and calls the police, before placing the building on lockdown.

After that, Pico calls Jenna and Keith, telling them about our discovery and they meet us in the lobby.

"The door was unlocked when you got there?" Jenna asks, trying to wrap her head around the story."Yes, and it looked like a struggle went down inside." I answer, nervously clinging to her hand. She rubs my back as she hugs me closely to calm me down.

"Was he kidnapped?" Keith asks.

"Even if that were the case, why him? He was here alone, wasn't he?" Says Jenna as she hands me a glass of water that the wait or brought for her.

"That just makes him an easy target." Pico answers. The three of us look to him. He sounds like he's seen a situation like this before, which I don't doubt, personally. Considering his line of work, who knows what kinds of things he's seen."The question isn't why, at least not yet. We should be asking who."

"Good point. But he didn't know anyone here aside from (Y/N)." Keith says.

"Let's assume that's true. He only knew one person. But who knows him?"

We all agreed that he made a good point. Before any of us could say anything, a familiar voice interrupted us."You again. Why do I keep having to come and check on you little shits? Can't you just keep your dick in your pants and stay outta trouble?"

Pico closed his eyes and took a breath to calm himself down."Okay, first, this has nothing to do with my dick. Second, you're here became someone's just been abducted, so can you try to take this a little more seriously?"

The man with the sunglasses huffed and rolled his eyes as he listened to Pico speak."Blah, blah, blah, you've got some nerve tellin' me off, bitch. I know how to do my job. You just keep that little Uzi to yourself. Try not to fly off the handle and kill everybody, alright." He chuckled.

"I'm supposed to feel safe with you on this case? I may as well start writing my will now." I commented, making my friends laugh.

"Watch your mouth, slut, before I turn you into a doughnut. Yeah, use your imagination!" He insults us before walking away.

"Doughnut?" Jenna questions.

"Don't worry about it, babe." Keith rubs her back as she continues to think. Pico looks angry as he watches the very rude officer walk off, but he takes another breath and let's it go. There's not much for us to do, so we wait.

"You guys think we should just go home?" Jenna asks with a defeated look on her face.

"It kinda feels like this vacation has been ruined. I could've moved past Pico punching that dude but-" Keith is cut off by Pico.

"I get it! I'm an asshole! Can we talk about something else now?!" He exclaims, slumping back on the couch with his arms crossed and a pout on his face. I couldn't hold in the giggles at how dramatic he was being. It was adorable.

"We'd have to wait until the lockdown is over to leave. It'd look weird if we tried to leave now, wouldn't it?" I point out and they all nod.

Another officer comes over to us, a much nicer one who is a woman, asking us questions about the victim. His last known location, what he said, what he did, who he was with. Things to help point them in the right direction to find Kapi. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like our information was enough to kick off the search.

My anxiety came rushing back, my palms sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy. I didn't vomit though. Thank god.

Jenna saw me this time and pulled me into a hug, damn near shoving her hair in my mouth.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm sure he's fine, wherever he is." She says as she pats my back. I wanted so badly to believe that he's perfectly fine. But that bloodstain was in the back of my mind and my brain started producing images of possibilities which only scared me even more.

Please be okay, Kapi. I can't lose my friend.

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