2 Birds

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With their vacation now ruined, Jenna takes her friends and boyfriend back home. The limo ride was quiet. All they could do was wonder. Why? Why did this have to happen?

They weren't blaming Pico, but they were wondering why and how someone could've been kidnapped from such a prestigious hotel. The cameras didn't catch anything, no witnesses, no other suspects.

They had almost nothing to go on. With this knowledge, (Y/N) couldn't help but cry. The others noticed and rush to her side to comfort her. There was nothing they could tell her that they hadn't already said, so they wrapped their arms around her in an embrace that made her feel safe.

She let out all the fear, all the sadness and all the pain she'd been feeling up to this moment. She cried for about an hour before passing out cold on Jenna's shoulder.

Pico stared sadly at her, her cheeks still pink and stained with tears from all the crying. He felt awful that the week she was supposed to have fun turned out to be scary and disastrous. She didn't deserve any of it. So Pico decided he would make things right. Sure it's adding more onto his already stacked plate, but it'd be worth it for her.

For his girlfriend. For (Y/N).

At the next stop light, Pico opened the door and crawled out. Keith and Jenna noticed and Keith was about to stop him, but it was too late. Pico started down the street on foot in the opposite direction they were driving.

"Where's he going?" Jenna whispers. Keith can only shrug in response.


Pico POV

I stop running after a minute or two.

That was the first time I'd ever seen (Y/N) cry, and I hated it. I never want to see her cry again. I'll find Kapi, even if I don't like him. Any friend of hers is worth saving if it makes her happy.

Looking down, I grab the dog chain on my necklace and hold it tight. I won't take too long. I'll find your friend, I promise. Keith and Jenna will look out for you while I'm gone, so please don't worry.

My thoughts are interrupted when my phone rings."Yo."

"Dude, someone was just kidnapped at the-"

"I know, I was there." He cuts off his male friend on the other line.

"Get down here fast. Nene and I found something."

"Something like what?" I inquire."The cops didn't find anything, so how did you?"

"Not at the hotel. About a mile away from it, there's this warehouse and we found something that might have come from either the victim or the hotel. Some kinda necklace, I forget the name." I can hear Darnell snapping, trying to jog his memory. I freeze in place on the sidewalk.

"Dog tag necklace?"

"Yeah, that's it!"

I looked down at mine and suddenly, felt a little less special."Hmph, I guess she's out here handing around gifts like candy." I grumbled.

"Say what?"

"U-uh, nothing. I'm on my way."

I hung up and made my way to the train station. The ride took about 30 minutes before I was back where I just came from. Between a shopping center and the hotel across the street was a long stretch of land taken up by several small warehouses about a mile or two wide. There, I found Darnell and Nene waiting for me.

Once again, Nene came up to me with her pink pocket knife in hand attempting to stab me. I catch her wrist and drag her with me to talk to Darnell. He's holding up the necklace for me to see but soon notices I'm wearing one identified to the one in his hand.

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