There Can Be Only One

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Third POV

(Y/N) finally left her parents house, satisfied both physically from her mom's delicious food and emotionally. All her worst fears were for nothing.

Making her way down the street, she looked across the street, seeing that same orange hair and those two little kids. She called out to them, catching his attention immediately, as well as the hyper kids, who then sprinted across the street.

"Pico's lady friend!" They said happily, their little legs not moving fast enough to escape the incoming wrath of the pick up truck speeding towards them. Pico dropped the bags of groceries he was carrying and charged into the street, picking up the kids into his arms and rolling to a stop on the other side of the street, in front of (Y/N).

"I TOLD YOU EARLIER ABOUT TAKING OFF LIKE THAT!!!" he practically roared at them like a monster.

"Thank you, Pico!" Skid and a pump hugged him as thanks for saving them. He sighed, unable to be angry when they're just so darn adorable.

"Ugh, you're welcome. Now please, stop running off without me. You could've gotten seriously hurt just now." He set them down, before going back to pick up his dropped groceries and returning.

"That was amazing, Pico! You just saved their lives!" (Y/N) applauded."Meh, it's no big deal. I'm saving these little brats from dying almost every five minutes. They think it's fun or something to go running around all crazy. " Pico shrugged.

"Still, very impressive. By the way, are you following me?" She smirked with her arms folded across her chest.

"Tch, as if. Maybe it's the other way around." He joked, making her laugh.

"Maybe it's destiny!" Skid threw his hands in the air and cheered. Pico face palmed."Anyway, how was the thing?"

"It went great. I was worried for nothing." She smiled brightly, making Pico happy."That's good. You hungry? I was about to cook something up for these two." He offered, holding up the bags of ingredients.

"With the food you just dropped on the ground? No thanks. Plus, I just ate at my folks' house." She nodded her head at the direction of the neighborhood she just walked out of.

"I mean, the food's packaged, so..." Pico shrugged, making her laugh again. He let out a chuckle as well.

Skid and Pump were looking between the two adults before them, laughing and talking. They hatched a plan without even speaking. They just nodded.

"Well, I better let you go. Gotta get some food in them before sending them to bed." Pico stretched his arms above his head."That's cool. I enjoy talking to you." She replied sweetly, making Pico's heart thump in his chest.

The two unintentionally stared at each other for a little under a minute, before the rumble of Pump's stomach caught their attention.

They said their goodbyes nervously before Pico took the kids home. (Y/N)  mentally cursed herself as she continued to walk.

Why do I keep doing that?! She slapped her forehead, probably looking like a psycho to any passerbys. She rode the train back to the other side of town and got home quickly.

Upon opening the door, she was greeted by a tackle of a hug from her boyfriend.

"I called you so many times, why didn't you answer?!" He exclaimed angrily, gripping her shoulders tight enough to shatter the bone.

"I didn't get any call." She replied, taking out her phone and turning it on. But it didn't turn on. It was a blank screen with an empty battery."Oh. I haven't charged it all day, so it died while I was out. Sorry." She chuckled.

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