It's Time

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I'm ready...

It's time...

I can do this.

Just. Be. Honest.

(Y/N) took a deep breath and entered the kitchen.

Nope. No way. I can't do this. Abort!

"Good morning, my sweet." Markus greeted me with a big smile.


I approached the dining table and sat across from him. The chef served me a plate of my favorite, but I wasn't feeling too hungry.

"Are you feeling better today, darling? You startled me last night." He said with a glass of water up to his lips.

"Yes, I'm fine. Uh-"

"Perfect! So, I planned a day of fun for us today. What do you say we go to the fair, on a date!" He classes his hands together while looking at me with sparkling eyes.

"I-I don't think we should." I stuttered.

"I suppose it would lead to you getting a headache from being overheated again. You're right, how silly of me. Why don't you chose how we spend our day? Whatever you want, my treat."

"Markus, please give me a moment to speak!" I covered my mouth when I realized I was loud. He looked surprised, then a bit sad."I'm sorry. I'm just excited to celebrate our seven months anniversary." He pouted.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me...

I'd 200% forgotten.

But I can't let this drag on any longer. I have to do this. Just rip the bandaid off!

"Markus, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that..." I trailed off, finding it hard to speak the rest of the words. Despite having practices this in my head during my morning shower.

"Yes, princess?"

"I...I-I don't..." My heart couldn't take it. I wish I could turn off my emotions and just let it out, but it's so difficult!!!

"Dear, is something troubling you?"

I took an even deeper breath and held it in."Idontwannabewithyouanymore."

"Goodness, dear, a bit slower please. I hardly understood a word." He chuckled.

"I. Do not. Want. To be. With you. Anymore." I said it as slowly as I could handle it. His smile faded, and my heart dropped.

The chef decided it was time to leave the room.

"You...what?" He looked as if he couldn't comprehend my words, which made it even worse.

"Markus, you're great. It's nothing you've done wrong. I just don't feel the same way I did before. I don't want any bad blood between us, and I certainly don't want to hurt your feelings. This was really hard to say, and I'm really sorry."

There was a deafening silence when I finished. I don't know what I expected him to say, but for what felt like an eternity, he didn't say a thing.

After a few more seconds, he sighed and looked down at the table."I suppose it's been a good run, then. Did you at least enjoy yourself?" He asked, looking up at me.

"I did. I appreciate everything you've done for me. All the nice things you did, I'll always remember. But this life style isn't for me. I would like to be single for a while." I added.

He nodded."I understand. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you happy, even with all of this." He referred to the house and all the nice things inside.

"Having money is nice, but you don't want a woman to stay with you for that reason alone. She wouldn't be worth your time." I smiled at him kindly.

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