The Investigation

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Yesterday, Third POV

"Excuse me, may we speak with you for a moment?" A lady from the front desk stops Pico as he impatiently walks through the lobby to reach his room. He turns, seeing her and two men in police uniforms.

I am so fucked, he thinks as he complies and approaches the woman and the cops.

"We're investigating the broken elevator window and the security footage shows someone who looks like you fighting with another individual earlier today. We'd like you to see for yourself and confirm for us if it's true." She explains, leading Pico into the security office.

He takes a look, seeing himself in the moments of dodging the strangers lunch and allowing his fist to crack the glass."Yes, that's me." He admits.

"Ugh," one cop says to the other."Little red headed step child here is always causing trouble. Should've fuckin' known it was you."

"John? Why is the military here to investigate an elevator?" Pico asks.

"We're not the military. Well, not right now. We're not always at war, so when the country's not in danger, we're just regular old cops." He explains, resting his arm on his partner's shoulder. Pico looks to the other officer."Steve?"

"In the flesh, fuck face."

"I can never escape you assholes, can I?" He mumbles

"Nope! And when we catch you and this window breaking weirdo, I'll be monitoring your sell block, too. You'll never be rid of me, little red. Hahaha!" John laughs as if he's already won. Pico rolls his eyes and attempts to leave the office, but Steve stops him.

"Not yet. We've got some questions for you. Just take a seat." He leads the ginger over to the office chair and makes him sit.

"So what's your deal, kid? Why'd you do it?"

"As you can clearly see from the video, I didn't do it." Pico retorts."Then you must've provoked him in some way. Probably cause you're so goddamn ugly, haha!" John laughs at his own joke.

"Are you here to actually investigate, or are you just here to mess with me?"

"Both, bitch." He leans close enough to Pico for their noses to touch."You plan on shooting this place up too?"

That question pissed Pico off even more, making him stand up and grab John by his collar."I didn't shoot anyone but the bitch who shot at me and killed everyone at that school, and you know it!" He growled.

"Of course I know. I just like fucking with you, dick shit. Cause it's funny. Now you better let go before you get arrested for putting your hands on a cop." John smirked. Pico decided it's be better to let it go and releases his grip of the man's shirt.

"Now, who are the other people in the elevator with you. Specifically, the fuck tard to broke the damn thing?" Steve asks, pointing to one of the fees inside the moving box. He's pointed directly at (Y/N), who was standing between Jenna and Keith in the video.

"They didn't do anything wrong." Pico says protectively.

"We know that, dick face, but they're witnesses, which means we have to question them too. Still wanna protect your boyfriend, huh?"

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Not anymore. Bitch."

Pico took a deep breath and counted to ten to calm himself down before he could make the same mistake again. This surprised John and Steve."I was expecting you to swing at me just now. I'm shocked. Maybe you can practice self control!"

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