For the second time that day, Lucius received an unannounced visit. This time through the door.
"Damn it, Sirius, you'd think you grew up in a house with no doors. Have you forgotten to knock? ”He wanted to know, slightly angry.
He hadn't even looked up from his desk at his words. if you didn't show him manners, he didn't have to.
"Sorry, I escaped." Sirius gasped, completely out of breath.
Now Lucius looked up after all. What looked at him there made him smile.
"So, what do you look like? did you run through the whole ministry? "
“You could say it that way, yes. I was constantly stopped by some employees who wanted something. For years nobody cared about me and now they are rushing with offers. Because they always believed in my innocence. And Beast is a good book. ”Sirius growled.
“You are the father of Harry Potter, the hero par excellence. You also survived Azkaban and are the last living heir to a rich and noble family. In addition, your husband is a real genius when it comes to potions. and in battle, all three of you are true masters. These are all things that make you very valuable. "
At first the Animagus was only half listening, but then it became attentive.

“What do you mean, the last heir? she is in jail but Bella is still alive. Just like her two sisters. "
"Not quite. Bella recently died. She hanged herself in her cell when she learned that her great idol would not come back. allegedly Karkaroff had yelled very loudly through the corridors before he got the kiss. "
"Why don't I know anything about it?" Sirius wanted to know reproachfully.
“Because the investigations are still ongoing. this time the minister wants to do everything right, he even checks whether it might have been murder. I can tell you one thing, the man has learned from his mistakes. "
sirius just nodded, with the best will he could bring up no grief for his cousin. Even then, he had hated her too much for that.
"And the other two?" He wanted to know then.
“Andromeda decided to give up her magic entirely. This was probably due to the behavior of her parents. But I'm not telling you anything new. and her daughter, Nymphadora is a Squib, albeit a very weird one, because she is a metamorph. "
“What did Aunt Andromeda call you? What kind of stupid name is that? ”Sirius couldn't quite believe it.
"Yes, I'm also sure that she didn't do the young woman a favor by doing this."
"And what about, ...?" Just in time, Sirius bit his lip.
Lucius gave his friend a piercing look.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." It got lame from Black.

Of course, with her behavior, Narcissa had lost all rights to the Black family titles. but that wasn't the reason why Sirius felt like the last bastard right now.
“It's okay, I'm over it now. But, she was just my dream woman. ”Lucius sighed.
"She was smart, charming, educated, pretty, a good mother and much more."
Sirius cocked his head.
"Would you be very angry if I told you what I think?"
"Depends on. if you'd call me a hormone-driven teenager, you would. ”Lucius grinned.
“No, don't worry, I certainly didn't intend to. I just think that this old Muggle proverb seems to be true. "
"How long have you been familiar with it?" Interrupted the blonde.
"Harry and his friends are with us very often, and they just throw around with these slogans. One of them is, 'Love is blind.' "
sirus just looked at his counterpart. To his surprise, the man nodded.
“Yes, that could be there. It probably also made me deaf. ”He admitted.
"It's a shame it took you so long." Sirius sighed.
"And I took it out on Draco." You could tell Lucius was still mad at himself.
His friend put a hand on his arm.
"He's a good boy and he has a great family."
Lucius nodded.

at that moment two owls came flying through the window. Both sat down in front of Lucius and held out their legs to him.
"That's the answer about the article." Lucius announced, solving the first letter.
"And the second?Sirius wanted to know.
"It's definitely a Ministry owl." The blonde pondered.
He opened the Ministry's letter first and began to read. But he didn't get far.
to Sirius ’surprise, Lucius pulled out his wand and cast a privacy spell on the room. He made sure once more whether the spell was working, only then did he put his wand back in his pocket. then the blonde burst out laughing.
"What's going on now?" Black wanted to know, confused.
It took a while before Lucius was able to speak again.
“You didn't tell me what Umbridge did today. And that in her first week. "
"Why is it important what the pink chick does? And above all, what's so funny about it? ”It came back in a huff.
"In and of itself, nothing, but Crouch's reaction is."
"Lucius, if you don't spit it out soon, I'll steal the letter from you."
“It's okay, some teachers have complained about the woman's behavior. and it won't be long before the parents do the same. In any case, the minister is now of the opinion that his employees have no manners. That's why we all have to undergo a test. those who fail it have to go to class to learn etiquette. With everything that goes with it. So also table manners and hygiene. "
Again the aristocrat threw himself away.
And after a short time it was over to Sirius too. the man was lying more out of his chair than he was sitting.
Both wizards struggled to be serious about the idea. Especially when you thought that Arthur Weasley or the Aurors would also be tested. "
"Fudge will probably fail too.chuckled Sirius.
"What makes you think that? Do you know him? ”Lucius asked breathlessly.
“No, but he was there at the trial. Harry complained that the man didn't take his hat off. severus was really proud of our little one. "
"I can understand, at least he taught him." Lucius nodded.
"Yes, tell me, wasn't Narcissa with the guy?" Sirius looked at the other person searchingly.
“I don't think the woman was ever really with a man or with a woman. It wasn't even with me. ”The words sounded a little bitter, but Lucius really seemed to have gotten over it.
"No taste the woman." Commented, Sirius.
To his surprise, Lucius started laughing again.
"Not everyone can look as good as I do."
"Are you making fun of me right now?" The Animagus wanted to know.
"Just a little." admitted Lucius.
Sirius had always used the phrase in her youth when someone was after him again.
"You probably won't have to participate." Pondered, Sirius.
“No, I don't even have to go to the test. after all, I work a lot with foreign politicians. Nobody has had to complain about my behavior. "

Then Lucius opened the second letter. Immediately his good mood evaporated.
"That bastard." He growled.
sirius raised his eyebrows questioningly.
“The stupid director. The letter is from the editor of 'Windschnitt'. He informs me that he already found out himself that it wasn't Harry who gave the interview. apparently the reporter who wrote the article is a loyal member of Dumbledore's murderous order. He has therefore already been called in for a conversation, with the result that the newspaper now has one reporter less. "
Sirius began to growl.
"So that bastard just used one of his lap dogs for his propaganda."
Lucius nodded darkly.
"Looks like it. In any case, it seems very embarrassing to the editor. no wonder, as I said, the paper does not usually include false reports. He assures me that a correction will appear tomorrow. With an apology for scaremongering. he will probably also write a letter to Harry himself. "
Sirius leaned back and considered.
"Please write back, the letter to Harry should be addressed to his parents."
"Are you worried that there might be insults in it?Lucius wanted to know.
“I'm definitely careful. There could also be some magic on it. Harry has been foisted on things far too often. You have no idea how it was back then when I was still walking around as a dog. without Severus the boy would have been lost. There was everything from marriage proposals to adoption papers. "
Now the politician's eyes got big.
“He was thirteen then. Who wanted to marry him please? "
“A lot of people. the height was probably the centenarian and the chambermaid of the kettle. She was older than you. She said the conventional rules didn't apply to Harry. "
"Seems like it's not just the employees in this madhouse who need a tutoring on manners."
"Probably true. But to get back to that gossip. I want to file a complaint against him. he just shouldn't pretend the old man would be able to protect him. Nobody messes with my family. I'll drive the guy into ruin. "
"Consider it done." The blonde promised.

Sirius got up and was about to leave. but then he turned around again.
“Would you like to visit us next weekend? We would be glad. Just like Draco, by the way, Harry also seems to be very fond of you. "
Lucius almost lost his features. not because of the invitation but because of the mention of Harry. It looked like Sirius didn't have a clue about the real feelings of his son. But, well, the little one didn't seem to have understood it himself yet.
"I'm very happy to come." He simply replied.
"Nice to meet you, then do it well. And be careful not to lose your manners. "
Grinning, Sirius stepped into the fireplace and was gone in the next second.
"Kind head." Lucius smiled.
the blonde stared into the fireplace for a few moments. Yes, Sirius had really changed. Maybe he should offer to work with him.
With that in mind, Lucius went back to work

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