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Minho POV
We now had P.E. and were in the changing room. I was looking around and that was when I realized that Chan never changed with the group he would always change in the toilet.
I finished and we three walked to the class. I think Chan looked extra week today, and I was afraid that doing sports now would be too hard for him...
„Ok guys. We will do sprints today, stretch and in five minutes we will start." the teacher told us. We all started stretching and chatted a little bit.
„Lucas, San, Minho and Hyunjin you four will start." Mr. T called for us and we walked up to the line.
„One...,two..., start!" I heard him shouting and started running. I wasn't that good, Hyunjin was faster but at least I got second. „Great Hyunjin, Minho also good. Lucas and San you should train a little bit more." he gave us feedback.
After two other rounds it was Chan's turn. He was really fast, even got first in his group,but when he came back to us I could see him breathing heavily and he was sweating a lot...
Now it was again my turn. This time Hyunjin and me finished at the same time. I was really proud of myself for improving. Then it was again Chan's turn...
When the signal was given to run he started but directly stumbled. He fell down. I ran towards him.
„Chan!?CHAN?! Are u ok?" I was afraid and really worried... my teacher came and helped him sit down on the bench, I didn't left his side. Suddenly the teacher asked Chan something
„Chan, I'm sorry to ask, but have you eaten today?"
„Well actually, I f-forgot." he said acting all innocent. I got angry. Not because of him but because of me. I should've not believed him this morning and should've made him eat...
„Ok then here," the teacher took something out his jacket.
„Eat this chocolate bar." he gave it to Chan who didn't look like he was happy about that. He nodded and Mr. T left.
„Chan,eat!" I said in a strict voice. He got frightened by my harsh words, and started to open the bar slowly with shaking hands...
He took a really small bite and started to chew. I could see his jawline moving while he was chewing. He chewed for an atypical time and then swallowed, really hard. I could see him fighting. He was hurt, he felt guilty and disgusted but he had to eat or else...

He eventually finished the bar, but he didn't look happy so I told him
„I'm so proud of you ok? Don't blame yourself for eating that, please." He nodded but didn't look up. Then the voice if Mr. T interrupted us
„Okay you all. Thats it for today you can go now, and enjoy your lunch."
We went into the changing room. I silently asked Chan if he wanted to change with us. I didn't want him to hide himself anymore. He shyly nodded.
I was pulling off my shirt when suddenly a mean voice was heard
„Oh the fat pig is changing with us again. I don't want to see your fat. GO!" a guy from my class yelled. It took me a minute to realize Chan was crying.
He meant Chan?!
„SHUT UP!" I screamed at him and ran towards him. I tackled him down landing on top of him. I punched him right in the face and his mean smile faded away. He rolled me over and I felt his fist hit my lip. I could feel blood but right now the only thing I really cared for was Chan and that this asshole had hurt him. Whit all my strength I pushed him down from me and stood up, he did the same and soon we ran towards each other. He pushed me to the lockers and put his hand around my neck. I started scratching his hand and finally he let go. I punched him and again. He stumbled back and I wanted to hit him again but a loud sob stopped me. I turned around and saw Chan standing there crying and shaking and that was when I came back to reality. Before I could go to him Mr. T entered the room and all heads turned to him. He got the situation really fast
„Minho, Nick(the guy who insulted Chan) and Chan! In my office! NOW!" I grabbed a shirt, put my arm around Chan and followed Mr. T, not without throwing bad stares at Nick.

We entered the office and sat down infront of Mr. T's desk, Chan still crying a little bit. I gave him my hand and he grabbed it. Squeezing so tight like his life depended on it.
„So..." Mr. T started „Would any of you guys may explain what happened?" Nick and me started at the same time so Mr. T told him to start. His version was completely lied. He said Chan insulted him and I had started the fight out of nowhere.
I got angry by every word and was happy when it was my turn to tell what happened.
„Mr. T that was all lied. Nick started all of that. I heard him insult Chan, about his look so I got really angry and then... yeah.
I think that he deserved it. He is such a asshole, to insult someone who is clearly no-" I got interrupted by Mr. T
„Thats enough Minho. Okay then Nick I heard you saying bad stuff about Chan you have to stay longer for the next two months, and no talking back. Understand?" he nodded in response.
„Than you cam leave." when he had left Mr. T looked at us.
„ Chan you can also go I have to talk to Minho." He stood also up and left the office.
„Minho, I talked to the director, I know what you had gone through in your past. I know that it isn't easy,  but you have to learn to control yourself. I want you to go to an anti-aggressiontraining. If not you also have to stay longer."

Hey guys :) new chapter, hope you like it. Please take care of yourself, eat, sleep and stay hydrated <3

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