Morning surprise

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Chan POV
Ring, ring
I turned to the side to shut my alarm out and was already at best mood... not.
I stood up and dizziness took over. I don't know when the last time was I ate and let the food stay in my system...
I got dressed and left the house as soon as possible because my father was still home.
I took my earpods and turned the volume of Mockingbird by Eminem up. I started walking and soon arrived at Minhos house.
I was a little nervous but pressed the bell before my thoughts could stop me. A cute looking Minho opened the door and...
He only had a towel around his hips. I was staring at his beautiful collarbones, his trained chest and his sixpack, down to his hip bones...
„Like what your seeing?" he asked teasingly with a smirk on his face and interrupted my staring.
I just looked away embarrassed and suddenly my hands became sweaty.
„Just come in already." he said and made a step to the side so I could go inside. I greeted Han and Leni who were in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Leni asked if I wanted anything. I denied. I told her that I had already eaten at home. She believed me and continued making breakfast but I could feel Minho staring at me. But soon he turned away and walked to his room to get dressed. Han showed me to sit down at the table, so I took the chair next to him. After some minutes Minho came back and Leni gave them the food.
As soon as I saw it my stomach turned around. I don't know why I reacted like this, normally it was okay to see people eating, but not today. I excused myself to the bathroom. Luckily it was a little bit further down the hall so I went inside closed the door and rushed over to the toilet. I couldn't held it in anymore. My stomach had nothing in it except for some water and other liquids. After I finished my throat was burning and some tears had made their way down my face. I flushed the toilet opened the window and washed my face.I always had mint gummydrops in my pocket so I took two and started chewing. Then I went back and sat down at the table like nothing happened before. Like I wasn't a fucked up kid and didn't just threw up just because of seeing some food...
Minho disturbed my thoughts and asked if we wanted to leave. I nodded, stood up and soon he, Han and myself were walking to school.

Timeskip to the lessons before lunch

We had P.E now and I forgot.
How could I?!
I'm fucked.
I'm probably gonna collapse and everyone will know how weak I am.
We went to the changing room. Me, Minho and Hyunjin. I changed again in the toilet since I didn't want anyone to see how fat I was.

Minho POV
When Chan had arrived at my house this morning, he looked bad. He had dark bag under his eyes, his cheeks were sunken in, his clothed were way too big, but still he looked too cute. I was worried but in this moment I thought about something else...
That he didn't ate anything with us worried  me even more and I didn't believe that he had already eaten. When he then also had to go to the bathroom my worries became too much. I decided that I needed to talk to someone about that. Now we had break and I decided to speak to Hyunjin since it seemed like he knew something.
„Hyunjin, can we please talk for a second? Alone." I said. When he nodded I pulled him away and started
„It's about Chan, you're worried too, or? You know that he has trouble eating right?" it took him some time to reply.
„ So for your understanding, you're right. I'm worried too and I don't know how bad it is, but there is a little backstory you should know." he stuttered a little then continued
„ In 8th grade I started to don't feel good about myself, my ex broke up with me and I thought it was because of my looks. So I started to not eat, I would just skip meals. I didn't threw up at first but then, Chan and Jeongin became worried and gave attention to me during lunch, so I had to eat and threw up afterwards. I was anorexic and bulimic. But one day it was too much. Chan found me passed out in the toilet. I had thrown up and lost conciseness. He found me and told Jeongin. They helped me a lot and after some time I started to go to a therapist. I still go and now I can eat nearly without any regrets.
So I know what it is like and I know tricks and the acting of someone who doesn't want to eat. I'm pretty sure Chan needs help. Could you please tell me if you know anything?"
To say I was surprised was an understatement. I was shocked, but also grateful for Hyunjin and that he cared so much. I decided I could trust him completely and told him nearly everything Chan had told me. Not about his mom or dad or our feelings for each other, but I told him the rest. His looks became more worried with every second I talked. When I had finished he looked at me also with a shocked expression on his face.
„Fuck!" he ran his hand through his hair.
„I didn't knew it was that bad." he started to ramble something and I soon realized that he guilted himself.
„Hey Hyunjin, listen! I know this must be really hard for you, especially with your past, but please promise you won't blame yourself ok ? You couldn't have done nothing to help him ok? He doesn't want the help or at least didn't want."
„Ok, I'm gonna try." he said and looked at me.
„I think we should wait for lunch and try to make him eat a little bit. Then we can see how bad it really is..."

Sooo, another chapter :) I hope you enjoy it and I would be happy about some feedback

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