First day

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Minho POV

„Minho, Han? Do you both have everything for your first day ? Your backpacks, schoolbooks, lunch..."
„Yes Leni, we have everything. You don't have to worry we will be fine." I interrupted her and took Han to the door to leave.
„ Hey Minho can you please come back for a minute?" she asked me as I shove Han out of the house and told him to wait outside.
„Yes Grandma? What is it?"
„Minho please keep an eye on Han, you know he can be anxious sometimes..."
„Yeah sure! Something else?"
„Actually yes. I know it's hard for you but if someone is going to insult you please try to ignore it as good as possible ok ? Just try." She said with a pleading look on her face, so I couldn't resist her and nodded my head.
„Thank you Minho, I love you." she said and gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

I left the house and Han and I started walking in peace since we both were a little bit nervous.

Time skip to lunch break

Han and me have found our friend from kindergarten, his name is Seungmin. He said he wanted to introduce us to his friend group, and that we would go to a Pizzeria.
Since Han and me didn't had any classes together this morning I asked how his day went so far.
„And how was it little squirrel?"
„Pretty ok I guess. The classes were really simple and no one was mean to me." he said. „That's good! For me pretty the same." I told him and was a little bit relieved since he is so shy.
„So you two, we should go now since the others are probably waiting for us." Seungmin said and started walking without waiting for an answer.
We followed him and I could see Han getting nervous again so I put my arm around his small figure and told him not to worry.
Soon we saw a group of five standing and sitting in front of us. Seungmin walked to the group and introduced us.
I looked at everyone. There was a smaller one with braces, a really tall and handsome one had his arm over his shoulder. Next to them stood a blonde guy who looked like he had eaten a portion of sunshine this morning. Behind him stood a guy in complete black. And a little further away was a guy sitting on a bench. He was really cute and I caught myself staring at his beautiful lips, wondering how they would feel on my...
Seungmin had introduced me so I thought it would be time for me to say something.
„Hey I'm Minho."
Wow really creative.
My eyes searched for the blonde guy on the bench and I stared him directly in the eyes. He returned the look but soon turned away and I could see him blush...
The others started walking but the guy on the bench, Seungmin introduced him as Chan, didn't move.
Then he stood up but stumbled. Without thinking I grabbed him on the arm so he couldn't fall. „Hey you okay?" I asked worried. „Yeah sure! I'm just a little bit tired. Nothing to worry about, we should go too the others are already gone." he said but I felt like he just wanted to distract me from what just happened. I let go of my concern and started walking. Soon I realized his intense stare at my hand on his arm. I let go of him and apologized.
After a short and quiet walk we arrived and searched for the others. We found them at a table and sat down, Chan in front of me.
As we all looked through the menu I could see him getting nervous.
I asked him quietly if something was wrong but his response was a really unbelievable „I'm fine.". I could see he was lying but didn't want to pressure him more so I decided to keep an eye on him...

Chan POV

I stared at the menu and already felt my heart beat fasten and my lungs getting tighter...
„Are you ok?" Minho disturbed my thoughts and I told him I was perfectly fine.
I wasn't fine. There was no way I would eat something like that now.
„Hey guys, I'm not really that hungry right now I had a big breakfast so I won't order a pizza." I said and all faces turned to me...
„You sure?" Hyunjin asked concerned.
„Yes!" I said but felt really bad for lying to my friends.
„Ok than let's order..." Seungmin said and already told the waitress what he wanted.
I was relieved but them I suddenly felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned around and saw Minho staring at me, what was his problem?!
After a little bit of talking the pizza came and I felt myself getting sick by the smell and look of the greasy food... I excused myself to the bathroom, stood up really quick and hurried. I was happy to find it empty cause my stomach already turned around.
I rushed to a toilet fell on my knees and started to throw up, it was just stomach liquid since I hadn't eaten anything in two days.
Fuck! I didn't even ate anything but still had to vomit... WHY?!
I fell onto my butt my back against the door of the cabinet and my head in my arms, my throat hurt and I felt so bad...
WHY?! Why the fuck do I have to be so fucked up?
A quiet sob left my body as I startet to cry silently...
About 2 minutes later I had calmed down and stood up. I went to the sink and splashed my face with some cold water. I looked in the mirror and luckily it wasn't really visible that I just cried.
Just pretend you're dine like you always do Chan. You can do it.
I left the toilet and went to our table. Everybody was eating except for Hyunjin who looked at me with a worried expression on his face.
„Hey Chan are you ok?" he asked silently, but still, Minho heard him. He looked up also worried.
„Yeah sure, nothing to worry about, I'm fine."


Hi I don't know if anyone will read this but if so I hope you liked the second chapter and that you're doing ok ;)


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