Serious conversation

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Chan POV

"So, now to a more serious topic, I have something to talk to you..."

I felt my hands getting sweaty and my breath became a little bit unstaedy. "W-wha-t i-is it a-bout?" I asked and tried my best that my voice didn't sound shaky, but I failed, cause Mr. T. looked at me with a motherly expression. "You don't have to be afraid, ok?" I nodded but it didn't help with my anxiety. "Do you have, by any chance, an idea what I wanna talk about?" he asked. "No Mister, I'm sorry." I responded, well knowing he wanted to talk about that topic.

"Well, I've noticed, that you had problems with sports, that you don't change with the others and that you always wear really warm clothes. and I'm not from yesterday, you know?... Chan?" he said the last word with such a serious undertone, that I knew what he would ask. But still i wasn't ready for that question, and less ready to give him an answer.

"When was the last time you ate? And it doesn't count if you threw up afterwards." In that right moment, I was unable to move, to blink, to breath or to say something. "Ehm... I-it mu...must be yes-yesterday? M-maybe..." I was such a bad liar, I've always been. "Chan, I'm gonna ask again, and I expect the truth! When was the last time you ate?" he asked, this time with more strength in his voice. „I-I do-don't kno-w..." I said and a lonely tear fell down my cheek, as lonely as I was.

"I'm sorry to ask more questions, but do you know how much you weight?" I shook my head. I knew I weighed myself some weeks ago, but I forgot cause I wanted to. The number was too high...

"Then could you please take off your jeans and sweaters?" he asked but that shocked me. There was no way I would let him see how fat I was. "Chan, please. Or I'm gonna call your dad and bring you to a doctor." that made me more afraid than taking off my clothes, so I did. Slowly I lifted up my sweater and pulled it over my head, as silent tears were streaming down my face. Mr. T grabbed a scale out of somewhere and placed it in front of me. I opened my jeans and also took them off. I felt exposed, fat and I was cold.

Mr. T looked at me with worry in his eyes. Oh how I hate that... "Please step on the scale Chan."  I looked at him with a pleeding expression on my face, with the hope he would let it go, but he just shook his head. "Now." and with that I did. Something I haven't done in a long period of time. Weighing myself in front of others. I didn't dare to look down, but I heard Mr. T saying "108 Pounds (49 kg) That is worse than I expected." I knew it, he thought I was fat...

"Chan?" his voice shook me out of my thoughts while I got dressed again. "You know, that you are underweight right ?" Lie... "You have to gain weight." Another lie..." And I'm gonna try to give you the help you need." Lie, lie, lie, all lies...
„I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP!" I screamed while I jumped up and tried to ran out the door. But Mr. T was faster and i felt a hand holding me back by my wrist. But then I started to tramble, dizziness took over and Mr. T placed me on the chair from before. And I broke down. Mr. T tried to calm me down but it didn't work. The next moment I barely remember. I know I started to breath hecticly and my vision got blurry, Mr. T tried to calm me down, to breath and then everything went black...

Minho POV
I was sitting in english class with Hyunjin as suddenly the speaker went on and we heard our director speaking
„Lee Minho and Hwang Hyunjin please come to Mr. T's office, now." We looked at each other confused, but then I remembered. I got panicked and rushed out the classroom, Hyunjin right behind me. I ran to his office and when we arrived I was out of breath. Without knocking I opened the door and what I saw, made me wanting to cry so bad...

There he was laying on the couch of Mr. T's office pale and with a tear stained face. I knelt down on his side and took his hand. I heard Hyunjin talking to Mr. T
„Hello Mr. T sorry for not knocking. But may I ask what happened ?"
„ Sure no problem Hyunjin. I talked to him about his eating habits. I also weighed him, and told him that he needed help. But that was to much for him. He yelled at me, tried to run away and then broke down. I think his body was too weak to take all of that so I guess thats why he is sleeping now. But I think he passed out before..."
I heard them continue their conversation but I didn't listen. There he laid. So beautiful tho broken. I had a hard time fighting my tears but won. I had to be strong for him. I lifted my hand and touched his cheek it was cold, so I asked for a blanket. Luckily Mr. T had one so I could wrap him up in it. Afterwards I said down and placed his head in my lap. I stroke his blonde hair. Hyunjin had left the office 10 minutes ago for class but I wanted to stay, so Mr. T let me. He was sitting at his desk and did some work.
„Mr. T? How much does he weight?" I asked hoping he would tell. „ I'm sorry Minho but that is something you should ask Chan himself." I knew it. But I just wanted him to be ok. I drew along his jawline with my fingertips when suddenly he made a weid sound. He still had his eyes closed, but now had started to shake and mumble. He curled up and I saw a tear streaming down his face.
„Ehm... Mr. T? I think he has a nightmare." I said a little bit panicked. Mr. T now saw it and stood up. But then Chan started crying really bad and said something...
„No! Please don't hurt me..."

Hey guys new chapter! I hope you enjoy reading it. Please remember to eat and to stay hydrated :)

Thunderstorms ||minchan ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora