Chapter 12 - Reunion

Start from the beginning

Without hesitation I enveloped her in a tight embrace. 

For a moment she did not react. But then she let her axe fall to the ground and hugged me back. 

I had not even noticed until then that she was covered in blood. "Johanna, are you alright? Whose blood is that?", I worried and let her go. 

She picked her axe up. "We were all the way deep into the jungle, where I thought it was gonna be safe. When the rain started, I thought it was water. It turned out to be blood. Hot ... thick ... blood. It was coming down. It was choking us. Ha! We were stumbling around gagging on the blood. That's when Blight hit the force field. He wasn't much, but he was from home", Johanna declared. Her sad expression hurt me. 

I squeezed her left hand in an attempt to comfort her when Wiress touched Johanna's shoulder saying: "Tick tock." She had mumbled it over and over. 

Johanna let go of my hand as she and Wiress started pushing each other, mainly Johanna doing the pushing. "Stop it!", she addressed Wiress. 

"Hey! Stay away from her!", Katniss raged when Wiress fell onto the sand. 

Now Katniss and Johanna were the ones fighting. 

"Hey! What are you doing? I got them out for you!", Johanna yelled while Finnick pulled her back repeating the word 'okay' intending to calm Johanna down. 

Meanwhile Peeta was limply holding Katniss as she was not resisting. 

"Let me go!", Johanna struggled. "Let me go!" 

"It's alright, Finnick", I assured him and he let go. 

Johanna was still furious. 

I carefully took her axe from her. Now I noticed what Finnick had wanted to tell me during training. I had never noticed before but Johanna did treat me differently. If any other person here would have taken her axe they would have regretted it soon. But Johanna had quickly closed her mouth again instead of protesting. 

"Let's clean you up", I encouraged her softly and accompanied her to the water. 

I cleaned her axe at the edge of the beach not wanting to get the salt water on my burn wounds again. 

When Johanna was finished I gave her her axe back and she continued cleaning it watching Katniss cleaning Wiress. 

Katniss had told me during training that she wanted Beetee and Wiress as her allies. But why had Johanna brought them to Katniss? I could not imagine why Johanna should be so eager to join forces with Katniss. They did not seem to come along at all. 

"Wiress, you are a genius!", Katniss exclaimed taking me back to reality. 

Everyone gathered at the beach, Johanna, Wiress and Beetee firstly getting some fresh water. 

"The arena is a clock", Katniss started explaining while Peeta drew the outlines of the arena into the sand. "The different sectors resemble each hour. It starts at 12 am. with the lightning. Then there is the blood rain, poisonous fog, monkeys. Each hour brings a new torture with it, but only in its sector. As long as we stay away from the activated sector, we should be fine." 

"That explains a lot", I thought aloud drawing the attention toward me. "Trap after trap hit me. I just thought Snow wanted to torment me but it seems like I moved into the wrong direction." 

"Then let's think about the other sectors", Finnick encouraged us. 

"The next one is filled with jabberjays. They imitate the screams of the people who are precious to you", I enlightened them. Absentmindedly I looked at Johanna. 

Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now