Extras (Fan Requests) | Four

Start from the beginning

The irrational fear had lingered within her for far longer than she had realised, and as she heaved herself up and over the side of the crow's nest she felt it catch up with her once again. She gasped, slapping a hand over her mouth as she suppressed a dry sob.

Why was she even crying? She wasn't really sure. But it felt good, and as the tears trickled down her cheeks she felt some of her anxiety leave with them. She tipped her head back with a sniff, wiping her eyes pointlessly as she gazed up at the stars.

It was a beautifully clear night tonight, and Circe would've been cold if it weren't for the thick black cloak that she had wrapped herself in. She snuggled down deeper in it now, feeling her tears slowly begin to subside. Inhaling deeply, she breathed in his scent.

This was his favourite cloak; he wore it almost every day. Others might have scoffed at the idea of Obsidian Bones favouring such a vain thing as clothing, but she knew the true motivation behind his choice. He liked it because it was large enough that he could conceal a sword, a cutlass, and shotgun without anyone noticing, as well as whatever else he felt like stashing on his person that day. Occasionally, he even stashed Circe down the front of it, when it was cold on deck, and she insisted on remaining with him at wheel.

"There you are Darling."

She started slightly, surprised by the deep voice that echoed clearly through the night. His face appeared over the side of the crow's nest not a second later.

"Why did you leave me?" Obsidian grumbled, looking down at her disgruntledly.

Why did you leave me? She wanted to say suddenly, the words lingering bitterly on the tip of her tongue.

She knew that he was about to reprimand her for getting out of bed, but before he could speak, his golden eyes noticed the tears that wet her cheeks and his look of mild irritation immediately became one of concern.

Without a word, he leapt over the side of the crow's nest, arms opening for her as she reached out towards him tearfully. He gathered her deeply into his embrace, his lips pressing firm kisses into her hair.

She sunk into him, her arms winding around his neck as she flattened herself against his body, only wishing that she could get closer – close enough that she would never have to be separated from him again. Close enough that he would consume her completely.

"Tell me." He prompted, his voice soothing, yet with a slight undercurrent of anger burning within. She knew that he wasn't angry at her though. Only angry at whatever he had imagined in his mind as being the source of her tears.

It seemed silly when she spoke up to tell him that it was only memories, not anything actually physical, that had been causing her pain.

"I'm such an idiot," she laughed quietly, her voice a little hoarse as she wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. "I didn't want to wake you, but I made you come up here instead. I should have just stayed in bed."

"You're not an idiot," he murmured into her hair, before pulling away slightly so that he could look at her face.

As always, she felt herself melt just a little bit more as she met his gaze. His eyes were like thick golden honey, and the kiss that he pressed briefly to her lips sent a shot of sweetness humming through her veins.

"But you should have told me." His expression became mildly agonising as his thumb brushed lightly over the dried tears on her cheek. He flicked her nose gently in reprimand before dipping his head to soften the sting with his lips. She felt herself blush at the action, and then blush more deeply at her own response to such a simple thing.

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