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10th November

As I walked away from Aazan's house, I began to reflect on what had happened the night before, when that bastard forced me to inhale drugs. He grabbed my hair in a  fist, and shoved my head on a table where he and his people were assembling a line of powdered drug with a card, arranged around a wooden table, As he put my head on the table, I tried to hold my breath because why in the world would I inhale that stupid shit? But he knew I was holding my breath, as he put my head on the table for nearly five minutes. I tried to hold it, but after a while it I was afraid I'll pass out and without meaning to, I inhaled that stupid powder. As soon as he realized I had inhaled that drug, he pulled me back to him and pressed my back against his front. "How was it pretty face, huh!" he asked with a sneer.

And then he threw me to his bodyguards who were standing right next to the table, As he threw me, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my body. My entire surroundings became blurred for me, probably because of the drugs. I lost control. The guards caught me. One guard had my one arm and the other had my second arm. I was on my knees, I couldn't even stand. I was totally dependent on their support. I heard some laughter behind me, and then the guards tossed me to the ground, where I crawled. I glanced up and saw them all laughing, and I overheard one of them saying that she is so innocent, she would be perfect for this. No one will ever doubt her for this.

I was still crawling when I noticed my purse on the floor. When they threw me on the floor, I feared they were going to rape me, but thankfully they didn't. I grabbed it and hugged it for some reason I don't know.

I managed to get to my feet with the help of the table, which was directly across from the exit gate.

I got out of that fucking bungalow with the help of a plant pot, stands, and the gate. I left the gate open. I took a few more steps without support. My hair was covering half of my face, which was obnoxious. Then I fell, and then the only thing I remembered was that someone gave me his hand. Of course, now I know who he was, and Aaazan thankfully saved me.

. . .

I shook my head a little to clear those thoughts from my mind; the noise of people talking, laughing, and car horns at the time was grating on my nerves; I wanted to run, run so far that I couldn't hear anyone and nobody would be around me; as I was walking, I suddenly remembered that I arrived at the bungalow in my car, which is now parked in Aazan's place, I pressed my head with my hand and said to myself to come to my senses.
I turned around and saw Aazan behind me. He was a little far away, and as when he saw me notice him he ran towards me.

"I was calling you from behind, why aren't you listening to me?" He called

He went on to say, "You forgot your car, why are you walking when you have a car?"

I didn't know what to say, but I didn't lie to him this time.

"I forgot to bring my car, and I apologize for not hearing you. I got a little lost in my thoughts," I murmured, laying my palm on my brow.

I was gazing down, and he lowered his head to peer up at my face. As I met his eyes, tears welled up in my eyes for some reason. He didn't say anything to me; he simply stood there and watched me as a few tears fell from my eyes. I didn't had the strength to cry my eyes out like I wanted to

"I won't make you feel uncomfortable by asking why you're crying; I just want you to know that if you ever need me, or if I can help you in any way, or if you just want to talk, I'll always be there for you; I know you're going through a difficult time, Zara," he said, looking me in the eyes. His sincerity took me by surprise and I spoke the first thing that came to mind.

"I want to have breakfast with you. Can you make me your special omelette? " I asked him with a smile.

He smiled as he lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug.

At the moment, I wanted to be with him because I couldn't deal with my situation. Whatever happened that night was terrifying. Being with Aazan would help me heal, and he makes me happy.

We walked to his house, and along the walk, he asked me about my family and then about my studies, and for a little while, I forgot about all that had transpired.

When we arrived at his house, he ushered me in first and told me to have a seat.

"Can I stay at the kitchen counter?

"You are free to do whatever you want," he said while he walked towards the kitchen.

I returned to the counter after putting my purse on the coffee table next to the sofa.

He was taking out some eggs from the fridge and I walked to stand cross legged by the counter, resting my arms on it I watched him move back and forth, taking the spices out of the cabinet and some vegetables. When men are cooking, they look really cute.

He served me the omelette with some bread and tea; I waited for him to bring his plate. As he brought his plate, he asked me to taste it.

I tore some bread and took the omelette with it; He had made cheesy omelette and it was so soft that it immediately melted in my mouth. The spices and vegetables all blend so well. Honestly, this guy had magic in his hands was what I thought when I tasted the omelette.

I appreciated him, saying, "Well, you are truly extremely excellent at this, I really like it."

He took a sip of his tea and replied, "I knew you'd like it."

We had a great time talking about how hilarious, I looked while I was drunk last night. I laughed after so long. I felt at ease with him, I hoped I could tell him everything. I wished I could spill the beans in front of him, but I couldn't, I couldn't tell him.

He got up and walked over to the sink to place the plates there. As he was doing so, the doorbell rang, and we both looked at each other, and he said, "Wait, I'll get it."

When he answered the door, a girl immediately came in, took off her shoes, and started complaining, "Why aren't you picking up my call? I'd been calling for an hour!". I was a little confused as to who she was; she wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured, "I miss you," and I felt a pang in my chest. He had a girlfriend. She noticed me standing at the kitchen counter, so she gave me a puzzled look and unwrapped her arms around his neck, asking him who I was and what I was doing so early in the morning.

He didn't respond to her immediately  and she assumed he was cheating on her with me. Before either of us could say anything she started screaming.

"I cannot believe this. You bought a girl. I know our relationship isn't working well, but I'm trying, "she stated angrily. "That doesn't imply in any way that you can bring any girl to your house," she added.

He gave her a pissed-off expression and was about to say something when she interrupted him and shouted, "Hey you," pointing her index finger at me and said, "Get out of here, whore."

She called me a whore. She had no right to say that to me. I immediately went towards the sofa, grabbed my bag, and hurried out of his house. I'm not sure why the night at the bungalow when the bodyguards threw me on the floor came to mind when she called me a whore.

I opened the car with my shaky hands, Aazan came out of the apartment and said "ZARA please wait." I didn't listen to him and drove away, I looked in the left side mirror of the car and saw Aazan pressing his hands on his head, I knew it wasn't his fault, but I didn't want to talk to anyone at the time, I saw his girlfriend came out, he looked at her and directly went inside, she followed him but before she could enter he closed the gate at her face.

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