Bungalow No.70

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November 9th


My exams were coming up so I decided to photocopy some notes that I borrowed. The photocopy machine at the University stays occupied and I didn't feel like waiting around in a line so I opted to head for a shop next street.

It was late, but I chose to walk to the shop. Even though I have a car, but I prefer walking at night to clear my head and work up my metabolism, and that street lies in my neighborhood too.

The streets were showering in the full moon's light.

I saw a white car stoping near a bungalow, that street is filled with bungalows.

The only reason that the car caught my attention was because I remembered that Zara drove that same car. A woman climbs out and my heart skipped a few beats for some reason. Was that Zara? The way she moved and the way her hair fell, I decided to move a little closer and as she looked towards the house, I saw her. Zara was here.

I saw her walking into the house. I knew it wasn't her place. At 9pm at the peak of the night, what was she doing in this neighborhood.

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. As she entered the bungalow, she appeared to be a little hesitant. The bungalow was white and gray in color. It had a small room built on the slopping roof. I couldn't tell if anyone was in inside because the drapes were closed and there was no light coming out.

I assumed it was either a friend's or a relative's home. Until I remembered a friend telling me that this bungalow had been sealed 4 years ago and was now in the market, with no one living inside. He is aware of this because he lives on the same street.

I was confused because, since nobody lives here, what was she up to?

I was a little suspicious as she entered the house.

Consequently, I followed her in.

It was a corner bungalow on the street, and there was a big tree directly next to it, so I choose to hide there while I waited for her.

Many questions raced through my mind: what if this house belongs to her boyfriend? Does she have a boyfriend? and what kind of boyfriend would ask her to meet at such a remote and suspicious place? She seemed way too tense for it to be a casual date.

I didn't know what was wrong with me, why was I hiding behind a tree spying on her like this. This wasn't like me. But I got more anxious the more time she took inside that bungalow.

I was constantly checking my watch to see how much time she was in there. After about 30 mintines, she came out.

She looked around hastily, and her foot made touch with the ground as she opened the door. When she emerged from the door, I gave her a puzzled glance. Her hair was covering her face, so I couldn't see what expression she had on. She had left the door unlocked. She took a couple more steps. She didn't appear to be stable, she walked as if inebriated. She collapsed unexpectedly on the ground and I dashed over and offered her my hands so she could stand up.

Her attention shifted from the ground to me. She was sitting on the ground. She had undoubtedly been drugged. Her eyes looked as if she was crying. With her closed eyes, she smiled at me. She was completely out of it, so I took her in my arms and helped her get up, my hand was around her waist, I removed her hair strands from her face. She was so intoxicated that she couldn't even stand properly, but I continued to hold her.

I asked her for the keys, but she didn't respond because her eyes were closed. I tried tapping on her face to rouse her up, but she didn't respond, so I grabbed her with one arm. I took off the purse from her shoulder and tried to open it with one hand, but it was impossible, so I carried her to the bungalow's wall and placed her down there so that she could be supported by the wall.

I opened her purse to get the keys, and there was an inhaler inside; she appears to be an asthmatic. I got the keys from her purse, walked to the car, and opened the front seat doors.

I turned to see her, she was lying down with her eyes closed, I thanked God for bringing me here.

I approached and grabbed her, she smelled like roses. I tried to stand her up on her feet, I placed my one hand on her waist, and took her hand to my shoulder for the support.

I carried her to her car. She was so light weight it was an effort to settle her in the car.

I drove to my house because I didn't know where she lived and when I looked for her contacts she her phone was dead. All I knew was that she lived in the DEFENCE area, which was huge.

Because my house was close by, it took us 2 to 3 minutes to get there. I walked towards my home. My one arm was over her shoulder as we entered in, and her head was lying on my arm. She awoke abruptly and turned to look at me. She didn't seem surprised at all; she just starer before falling asleep with her head on my shoulder.

We walked to my room, where I laid her on the bed, gave her a blanket, and sat next to her, wondering what happened in that house and why was she drunk. From what my aunt has told us countless times over dinner she was a responsible person that everyone has always been praising. I don't remember the amount of times that my aunt has embraced her talking about what a role model she was for the younger generation because of her good conduct, but this was a little confusing, I was not judging her on this but this was a little surprising.

I got out of the room, turned off the lights, and shut the door. As I was closing the door, I looked at her from the small space, she seemed so innocent and at peace when she was sleeping, I gave a small smile before closing the door.

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