Eye Contact

37 10 2

November 8th


I walked out of the church to pick up his call; My back was against the wall as I take a deep breath; I didn't want to answer this call because I despise his voice but I did it anyway. I had to.

"Why aren't you answering my calls?" he said angrily right away.

"I told you I was going to a wedding today, and my father was right next to me, how can I possibly take your call in front of him?"

"My manager will set up our meeting, he will notify you as soon as he can, and no, I will not accept any excuses from you this time around," he warned.

I was so pissed off, I wished I could grab his throat and punch him so hard that'll he never be able to open that sinful face again. Fucking asshole.

He left me no choice, but to agree to his terms, and instantly hung up the phone. I sighed and moved my gaze to the church.

Aazan was standing just next to the church's gate. For a short moment, we were both looking at each other, and he was starring at me that left me feeling exposed like he was really looking within with his inquiring gaze. I wasn't sure why he was staring at me in that way, he didn't even know who I was, much less show any interest in me at all.

I felt as if I had fulfilled my only mission to get noticed by him today. For a moment all the thoughts of that vexatious call I received moments ago escaped my mind and I gazed into his eyes.

I was overjoyed at the time, but I tried to suppress it as best as I could.

He began walking towards me and my breath caught up in my throat. I was so confused about why he was coming here. He was staring into my eyes the entire time he walked towards me. My heart was beating so fast and loud that I could hear it to the point that I was afraid he'll somehow listen and realize the effect that he has on me. But to my dismay, he didn't stop by me.

He kept walking right behind me and stopped in front of his dad who was standing right behind me. I had somehow not noticed his presence in the frenzy of the last few seconds.

"Stop fantasizing, he'll never notice you," I told myself as I shook my head. I dashed into the church to get away from the embarrassing situation.

I noticed my family departing as I stepped in.

My father came to me "we are going to your aunt's house, she needs us for some help, you wanna come along?" He asked, "No I am tired".

I wasn't tired at all, but after attending his call, I wasn't feeling well so I decided not to go.

"Okay, we're going in your aunt's car so you can take ours, and yeah, be careful behind the wheel ", he said, patting my shoulder as he left.

My family had departed with my aunt and her family, and I was still standing at the church's gate, and for the last time, I wanted to see Aazan.

I turned towards Aazan, who was still talking to his father. I let his beautiful face distract me from my tragic life and all I wanted to do was stare at him. My mouth was slightly ajar and I thought to myself that this was probably my last chance to admire him because there wouldn't be any more family gatherings any time soon.

It was an effort to look away. I don't know how long I spent looking at him only. He stood like a gentleman. With hands in his pockets. I noticed that he was wearing one of my favorite color tux; navy blue. And clean shaved face.

Suddenly he looked towards me and I quickly turned my face towards the sky, smiling for no apparent reason. A thought occurred to me. If he was only walking towards his father, then why was he staring at me? But another idea replaced it: did he notice that I was staring at him?

As I walked towards the exit and leave for home. He looked towards me again as I neared him. This time though I made sure to flip my hair haughtily as I walked right past him. 


I hope you enjoy this part and if you vote for it.

The coming next chapters are going to be more interesting. Until then, stay with me.

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