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10 November

I opened my eyes slowly as my head felt heavy. I rubbed and pressed my head, trying to figure out what was going on. I noticed a white rectangular bookshelf directly in front of me, and a dark green back wall.

I leaped into a sitting position as I realized this wasn't my room; and regretted a moment later as the pain shot to my head. I was terrified, glancing around the room since I couldn't recall what had happened the night before. I was constantly stroking my head, and when I looked at the bed, it was a wooden bed with white sheets and a lovely blanket.

The entire room was painted white, giving me the impression of being in a hotel room if it weren't for study table nicely organized.

The overall vibe was very welcoming; sunlight streamed in from the window, which was right next to the bookshelf; the window was draped in white curtains that blew in the breeze; yet I was suspicious of the whole setting and dying from a headache.

I shifted my focus from the study table to the entrance when I heard a door unlocking sound. I was terrified and pulled the sheets up when the door opened and a man came in. It was Aazan. I was stunned. He walked right up to the bed and stood there for a moment with his arms folded.

For a few minutes, I remained still, as a slew of questions ran through my mind: did he knew why I was there last night? Did he follow me? Is it possible that I did something embarrassing in front of him? " I thought to myself as my cheeks started to flush from embarrassment.

"How are you feeling, Is your head okay?" he inquired as he approached me.

I didn't respond. Instead, I decided to get defensive.

"What am I doing here?" I asked.

"I found you last night on a street in my neighborhood. I was there for some work. You were passed out drunk, so I bought you here since I didn't know where else to leave you" he explained.

He asked, "Can I sit here?"

"Yeah, of course, it's your house I suppose", I said rolling my eyes sarcastically.

He sat next to me. His back was facing the bookshelf. We were both facing each other and I realized this was the closest we've ever been.

I suddenly remembered my mom, she would be so worried about me. I didn't inform her anything. Guilt ran through me.

As though he's read my mind Aazan turned to me and said in a low voice as to not make my hangover any worse, "Don't worry, a friend of yours called last night. I told her everything and she managed to convince your mother that you fell asleep in her place".

So far, everything has been under control".

I was shocked by how he knew I was thinking about my mother.

"Um, okay," I responded.

"Do you know who I am?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes, I know you. Of course, you are my aunt's relative."

I was shocked that he noticed me. All this time I was thinking that he had never noticed me.

"You live alone?" I voiced hesitantly.

Ah! He added, "I live with my family, but they are on vacation and will return in two weeks."

"Didn't you join them?" I inquired.

"I have exams next week, so that's why I didn't go," he explained,

I nodded and looked around the house, which was quiet.

"You didn't respond to my question. Are you feeling well or not because you got a fever last night? ", He questioned.

I looked at him and said, 'Yeah, I'm ok, just a little headache,'" I answered.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?", he asked.

"Sure," I replied.

I knew exactly what he was going to ask.

By glancing over my shoulder, he voiced his concern, "Why were you there, and why were you so intoxicated, what happened last night?"

As he said this I got a flashback about what happened on November 5th.

God Had Other plansOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz