A Note

45 8 1

November 9th


I was attending my lecture about human behavior, I was trying to listen to the lecture but I couldn't concentrate because my mind was occupied, thinking about that phone call.I was constantly check my phone.

"Zara!" my professor exclaims in a loud voice.

I raised my head from my phone and addressed my professor and stood up instinctively.

"What's going on with you? You were doing so well in your first week of university, and you used to actively engage in class too, but now your behavior resembles a backbencher. I wasn't expecting late assignment submissions or being absent-minded in class from you. I'm warning you: if you keep up this conduct, your GPA will suffer. Now take a seat," he yelled fiercely.

My head was down, my nose was getting heavy, and I was so close to crying I could feel the tears building up as he said all of this, but I kept my emotions in check.

I told myself that I need to be strong because what I am about to do requires courage, and if I keep overthinking like this, I wouldn't be able to do what needs to be done. I need to stay strong. 

My phone suddenly lights up, and there's a message on the screen. I pick up the phone, and it's from an unknown number.

It was his manager who sent me the location.

F.B. AREA block 6 house no. 70 (street name) near-------- school. Time 9 pm.

I read the message, locked my phone, and put it aside. I tried to  concentrate on my lecture because I had already decided that I'll do whatever he wanted me to do in order to save my family, so there was no regretting or second guessing my choice now.

When the lecture ended, I quickly packed my stuff rushed to the restroom. I searched for the location on Google. According to Google, it seemed like a safe and lively place to live. I didn't understand how he was doing these things here in broad daylight.

It was around 2 pm, I quickly finished photocopying my notes and made my way to the cafeteria. I was completely focused. I placed an order for a cheese sandwich and a cup of black coffee.

The order arrived shortly.

I started overthinking again while having lunch, I could hardly swallow my food. I had been so focused on class and other stuff that I had momentarily forgotten the severity of what I was being asked to do, my thoughts were wandering once more. I was worried that I was about to commit a crime. It didn't matter that I was not doing it on purpose or for personal gain, someone else was compelling me to do it.

A thought came into my mind, "Will I get arrested if I get caught?".

I want to be strong, but I'm not helping myself. I was exhausted, so I drank my coffee and carried half of the sandwich with me; I didn't feel like eating the entire thing.

At around 2:45 p.m., I left the campus, boarded a bus, and returned home.

My mum is a working woman, she works as a secondary school teacher. Therefore, nobody will be at home, my mom usually comes home at 4 or later. I took off my shoes and walked upstairs. When I opened the door, I saw that someone had left a note on my bed. A white note which I grabbed into my hands in a heartbeat and read:

If you haven't received my message, the location you have to come to is:

Near ———— school, F.B. AREA block 6 house no. 70 (street name).

9 pm. Don't be late.

It was written in black ink.

After reading the note, I became so enraged that I tore it up into small pieces, tossed them on the floor, kicked my study table chair, and walked over to my bed. I was frustrated and scared. My palms were linked, my fingers were crossed as I sat on my bed crying. I was looking around my room as the deadly realization settled on me; he knows where I live, he knows that my parents are not at home at this time, and he is keeping an eye on me. What in the world is going on with me? Why? My breaths became heavier as I realized he was far more deadly than I had anticipated, but if he harmed my parents, I would not let him live peacefully.

I wiped off my tears and stood up, and decided that I had to stay strong. If I cry like this everytime it will make me weaker and these things need guts. I took a shower. While in the shower, I heard my mom's voice from downstairs.

I quickly changed into my comfortable clothes and went downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen. I saw some pizza boxes on the kitchen table.

I looked up and sighed, "Thank God, at least something good happened". My mother shifted her gaze to me and cocked a surprised smile.

'Ah-huh, you showered after getting home from university instead of mopping around and going to bed huh.' She exaggerated when she said, "did God just bless my girl with a brain?"

"Very funny mom," I said, laughing.

"Um can I go to my friend's place at 8 p.m. For a night study?
"I'll be home by 11," I told her.

With a puzzled expression on her face, she inquired, "Night study?"

What? I stated that I didn't have a boyfriend if that's what she's thinking

She stated, "Well, I didn't say anything like that."

"Mom, please," I said again, giving her the puppy eyes and biting my lower lip.

"Okay!, but first, give me her address and phone number so that I can contact you whenever I need to," she demanded, drawing her arms in front of her.

I shrugged and replied, "OK, before I leave, I'll give you her address and phone number."

We ate the pizza she bought and she kept asking about my friend, which I somehow managed

I went upstairs to my room and decided to take a nap. I awoke around 7:15 p.m. and left the house at 8:00 p.m. I gave my friend's address and phone number to my mom.

I asked a friend to assist me with this, I explained to her that I had to go with a friend today, and I have told my mother that I'll be at your place for night study. I'll be home by  11 p.m., so if she calls you, please handle it; she agreed as any good friend does.

I was nervous about what would happen today. I took our family car to drive there hoping all the while to get done and put this all behind me. If only I had knew what was coming.


I hope you liked the chapter, coming chapters will be more interesting until then keep up with me.

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