A call

60 11 1


November 8th

I was in my lawn sitting on a chair, watching these birds fly freely above my head, chirping their freedom tweets as I recalled the moment when I first saw her at a Christmas party.

She caught my eyes right away, the moment she walked into the hall; A girl wearing a red dress with such grace and elegance, Her hair parted ways from the middle with the strands of it falling on her rosy cheeks. I almost choked on my drink when I looked at her. I had to pull myself together and take my eyes off of her which was really tough for me but I didn't want to look like a cheap creep in front of her but on that day Zara was looking no less than a Goddess, She'd been the sight to behold and the center of the entire party that evening.

The thing that had me attracted to her the most was her innocent, shining eyes, the entire evening I couldn't take my eyes off her but I tried my best to hide it and not give her any hints. We were going to attend my Mom's friend's son wedding ceremony. I had no intention of going and had no plans of such but I eventually gave in to my aunt's constant pleading plus I had a feeling Zara was also probably going to be there and I wouldn't want to miss that chance of seeing her again.

I was still thinking about her when I heard my mom's voice from inside the house.

"Aazan! Get ready! We have to leave soon!"

I get myself up and went inside to get ready. I decide to go with a Navy blue tux and paired that up with leather Black Oxford shoes.

I was driving the car, My mom was sitting on the passenger seat besides me and in the back were my younger brother and my dad.

During the trip to the church, all along the way all I could think about was Zara, What was she gonna wear today? I want to see her innocent, shining eyes so badly.

I was so lost in my thoughts until my Dad called my name from the back and asked me why I was smiling so much for no reason, What could I possibly tell him at that time so I lied and told him that I suddenly remembered a joke. 

When we reached the church, I gave my car to the valet and we made our way inside, From the outside the church looks as elegant as ever, The exterior of the church was built of cottonwood li­mestone. A bell tower and steeple rises from the body of the church. The striking impact of the church exterior is comple­mented by the subtle beauty of the interior with stained glass windows adorning the church. "This place is so beautiful, I really like the culture of Christians, specially their weddings", my mum said while looking at the church from outside.

We entered the church up the stairs through this shiny metallic gate engraved with flowers all over it and I looked around the square and gave myself a quick tour through my eyes, I really liked the place, It was nice. As you walk into the nave, the bridesmaid held the flowers as if they were joy fashioned into delicate petals, as if love had been transformed into their fine aromatic perfume. I peek around the church and see little kids in the dresses and suits running here and there in joy, As I soaked in the atmosphere, the energy within made me smile a bit.

My eyes searched for Zara. I looked everywhere to find her, to take a glimpse of that innocence in her eyes but with no luck I couldn't find her. I thought that she hadn't arrived yet. We all took the seat, I was eagerly waiting for her to come. My eyes would continuously look towards the door of the church to see whether she came in or not.

I was wondering why she was taking so long to arrive when suddenly I darted my eyes back to the gates and there she was, walking elegantly, wearing a fairly decent beige color jumpsuit, I liked her pearl earrings, They suited so well with that dress and then my eyes founds their way to the place that I loved the most about her, Those beautiful, shining, innocent eyes but that day they were lacking the shine I was fond of. Instead I was seeing such depth in those eyes like as if she was hiding something behind them. While she was smiling at everyone I could tell that it was a pretentious smile and there was sorrow in it but why? What was she concealing in those eyes of hers?

As she entered in, She greeted everybody nicely and got herself busy in some wedding stuff with my aunt and I just admired her while she worked. How can a person be that beautiful even when they're working? She has gotten her own charm, She was driving me crazy, I couldn't tale my eyes off from her, I don't want to give her any hints of it but at that time I didn't care about any of it.

After the entrance of the bride and groom, The ceremony started, The vows were said and soon everything was over with, everybody greeted and congratulated each other. Zara was quietly standing with her father when her phone rang. I wondered who it could be because she didn't answer the phone. She looked tense when she cut the call. However the phone rings again and her eyes started moving anxiously and fast. She looked over and I quickly moved my eyes from her and looked away, She didn't answer the phone again. Her father was asking about something from her, I would guess that he probably asked about the calls, As Zara was answering her father, Her phone rang once more but this time she didn't cut the call, she made her way outside the church so that she could answer the call privately, I couldn't help but wonder who it was. 



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