"So something tells me that is not where you wanted that to go" he smiled pressing his lips gently against mine as I started to chuckle underneath them. He had this uncanny ability since we first met to always know what I was really thinking something that no one has ever taken the time to perfect.

"No" I laughed, "It definitely wasn't but I'm not complaining in the slightest" I smiled, his own smile lighting up his already happy and content expression as he gave me another kiss. I loved how he could never get enough of me--something I was also guilty with when it came to him--making me feel like he was always afraid he was going to lose me and wanted to get as much of me as he could when in reality I had no intention of going anywhere, ever.

"What I was going to say before you interrupted me" I said rolling my eyes, his fingers coming to gently tickle my sensitive waist as I started to squirm underneath him my laugh infecting him like a welcome plague as he started to join in with the jovial moment. "Austin!" I said with a loud laugh, his face buried into the crook of my neck as he started peppering it with small kisses the small act making him slow in his assault at my waist as he slowly became consumed in the small intimate moment.

"You're distracting me again" I said quietly, my one hand coming up to card through his tiny curls as my other started to rub gently over his soft back.

"Now you know how I feel whenever I look at you or hear your voice. It's excruciating isn't it" he whispered sexily into my ear, the harshness of his voice making my body tingle as I moaned softly at his words knowing all too well that a smug and satisfied smirk was consuming his face, loving a little too much the effect that he instantaneously had on me. But, I'd be lying if I said I actually cared. He could distract whenever, wherever and however he wanted and I would instantly succumb to his actions with not one ounce of shame.

He continued kissing down my neck, paying special attention to the spot he knew I loved, the feeling of his lips sucking against the sensitive skin making my body come alive, the tingles that consumed it feeling like a million ants marching over my skin as I moaned loudly beneath him. I felt his dick become hard at the sound as he slowly started pushing his hips against my wet heat, small moans leaving his lips as he continued to consume my skin.

"Fuck Candace you're so wet sweetheart" his rough voice echoed off my skin, his soft lips navigating their way towards my ear. "Can I have you Candace?" the fact that he even cared enough to ask not just this time but every time always making me more ready for him.

"Yes baby, please" I said quietly, my head sinking further back into the pillow as he smiled against the skin of my neck.

He lifted himself just enough to line his dick with my more than ready entrance, sliding into me easily as our moans of extreme pleasure drifted from our lips, mixing together in perfect harmony as he slowly started moving his hips against mine. The feeling of his hard dick rubbing against my swollen walls making my body start to instantly quiver, as he brought his lips up to mesh with mine. Something about the intimacy between us making everything different and for the first time in my life I wasn't just fucking someone. No, I was making beautiful and passionate love with the man I was madly in love with and the thought of that made every emotion, every feeling in my body feel like it was on overdrive.

"Austin" I moaned quietly, the beauty of everything happening between us bringing a wave of tears to start flowing from my eyes. I have never felt this way with anyone before—not even with Shawn—and if I could make this feeling last forever I would, but I knew that as long as I was with him I would feel it everyday of my life.

He dropped his head into the crook of my neck, his hot breath tickling my sticky skin as he continued moving in me slow and hard, my own hips pressing against his as I brought my lips to rest against his ear.

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