Training with the Outers

Start from the beginning

'Looks like I don't have much choice in who I spar with right now. It'll be fine, I trained with Jigen, that is enough, right?' I thought as I prepared myself for the fight that was about to go down. I took a couple deep breaths and assumed battle stance. "Thank you for having me." I said. Garo only smiled through his mask.

Before I could say or do anything else, Garo launched himself towards me. I could see his attacks now, I knew where he was going to hit, thanks to the nature energy. I quickly stepped aside and evaded Garo's attack. To my surprise he turned his arm and shot an explosion in my face.

The blast hit me good. I was thrown at least a few meters away and hit a wall. I could feel hot, sticky liquid flow from my nose. My head was lightly throbbing in pain. I spit out some blood. Garo launched himself at me again, laughing. "Is this all Jigen's trainees can do?!" His blood lust only intensified.

I saw him coming towards me. He held his hands in front of him, ready to sent another explosion my way. I ducked forwards, evading his blast. I was now below him, and looked up to his face, as I threw my fist upwards. I hit his chin, causing Garo to fly backwards, scraping the ceiling. I could hear him grunt as he fell on the ground.

'I don't remember my punches being this powerful. I usually spar against Jigen, so they have less effect, but I cant imagine that the difference is this big! It has to be the nature energy.' I thought as I ran towards Garo, who was getting up. "You brat, how dare you touch my chin!" he yelled in anger.

His power suddenly increased. I noticed it, but nevertheless pulled my arm back, ready to punch. His higher power level wouldn't beat my fist. As soon as he stood up, I punched him in his fat stomach. 'Seriously, how do you get this fat in Kara? I don't get enough food for that at all. And even if I did, Jigen would train every ounce of fat out of me immediately!'

Garo spit out some saliva, but wasn't taken too far back. Did he absorb the impact of my blow with his belly? Well, it doesn't matter, now. He kicked my feet away from behind, causing me to fall. I grunted as the hard ground hit my back. The fat Outer jumped and landed on my chest, causing me to lose all the air in my lungs.

As I gasped for oxygen, Garo launced one fist after the other into my face. I tried to push him off of me, but it was useless. The throbbing of my head was all I could hear, aside from the nature energy screaming in my mind. 'This is bad. I can't let me disgrace myself by losing, Jigen will kill me.'

"What do you think about that, huh! You brats, trained by Jigen aren't good at all! This is my revenge for ruining my face!!" Garo was laughing as his blood lust continually grew.

It was getting to a point where trying to ignore it, didn't work anymore. My conscience was begging me to run away. My body trembled in fear, however the constant blows I was receiving from Garo made sure my body was moving too much too see any of it. I was pretty sure my nose and ribs were all broken by now.

Then suddenly everything went still and quiet.

It was like I was aware of everything and everyone around me, now. I could see Garo's arm swing backwards, ready to punch me again. I saw another swing I couldn't see before, right behind it. It was a swing of see-through green chakra.

'Nature energy?' I though as I observed it with wide eyes. The green chakra synced with Garo's movement. It was like water. I remember swimming in a lake when I was a kid. Whenever my arm moved, I could feel the water follow. The same happened as I moved my leg. It has to be the same with air. I looked to the side and managed to slightly move my finger up and down.

A swing of nature energy followed the movement of my finger, and created a change in the flow of the air around it. 'Is this the power of nature energy? Have I gained control over it?' I thought as I gained a little hope. Unfortunately I could still hear and sense everything I could hear and sense before.

I think things only got still and quiet, because I awoke and realized how you can use nature chakra. It is the energy of everything in nature after all, of course the air would be a part of that. I cant believe I didn't think of that earlier!

I looked back at Garo, he was seconds away from punching me. I quickly pointed my index-fingers towards the ceiling, creating a change in the air between my right and left finger. The air flew upwards with amazing force, taking Garo with it. The Outer created a crater in the ceiling from the impact, before falling back down.

Everyone around me gasped. I did threw him off of me with moving only two fingers, after all. My head still hurt, I could feel my blood drip everywhere as I stood up. My mouth was filled with hot, red liquid, which I spat out in front of me.

"What the- What the hell did you do?!" Garo said as he stood in front of me, once again. I looked at him with cold eyes, my fear had completely disappeared. "I will beat you in the next 10 seconds." And with that, I put my hand in front of me.

With every move I made, a strong force in the air occurred. I was throwing Garo from wall to wall, left to right, up and down, with simple gestures of my fingers. Lastly, I signaled my fingers towards myself as I pulled my arm behind my body. My fist ready to punch.

Garo came flying towards me, just as I planned. This time I made sure to put enough power, so his stupid belly fat couldn't absorb any of the impact. I took a step back, and then launched my fist in the Outer, who helplessly received it.

His belly fat certainly wasn't enough to absorb the blow, as Garo flew in the direction I threw my fist. Through the wall. I smiled. 10 seconds had passed. I had beat him. I was not going to be killed by Jigen for losing. Yes!!

Then I got very dizzy all of the sudden. Everything around me was spinning as I tried to hold my balance. I received some big blows after all... "No, wait! I can keep going, I swear!" I whispered before everything went black.

I had passed out.

I'm really sorry, I already had this chapter written, but I forgot to publish it...
Anyway ehh I hope y'all have a great day/night!

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