
Depuis le début

Iman found his voice,"Wow. Just wow. You're a force to reckon with Aqsa. As much as I'd love to indulge in a personal talk with you right now, it'll have to wait. You're an agent. I'm an agent. Mus'ab is my best friend. Tisha is your best friend. Now, how about we put our grievances aside and get some of those badass agents mood on?"

"Not before you tell me how you came into the picture",I turned to face Mus'ab,"You got your badass agent best friend to find your wife--scratch that, ex-wife or what?"

He dropped to a couch and folded his head into his hands.
He looked up after a few seconds with eyes shimmering with tears.

"I made a mistake Aqsa. And I am so sorry. I  pushed her out when she needed me the most because I was hurt too. I thought she actually cheated on me because I had never touched her in that manner. However I was wrong. So wrong."

He swallowed, "My mum came over to my house one evening months after Tisha left. She made me know that I was responsible for the pregnancy. Ofcourse I wasn't buying that. However my mum confessed her involvement in the pregnancy. She told me she was so sure Tish was cheating on me but she had never really caught her so she decided to frame her just so I could kick her out. So she spiked Tish's drink one evening after I got back from Abuja and saw that picture of her sister hugging their brother at the airport. She spiked Tish's drink which made her fall into a deep slumber. Then she mixed something in my food that got me really aroused."

He looked at me with eyes filled with shame and remorse.

"One moment I was eating and the next, I found myself heading to her room. I was so mad at her and my situation wasn't helping. She was the only woman around me so I had my way with her, which was what my mum wanted in the first place. When I woke up the next morning, I was in my bed and I couldn't remember anything."

"When was this?", I asked quietly, my hands knuckles becoming pale from gripping the table's edges too hard.

"The second night after she came back from your place in Abuja."

I chuckled humourlessly,"So, you were mad at your wife for a crime she didn't commit and raped her. Nice one."

He shook his head,"No you don't understan--"

I interrupted with a bang on the table.
"Don't you dare tell me I don't understand Mus'ab. Don't you freaking tell me it wasn't your fault! You didn't even bother to help her figure out how she got pregnant. Instead you THREW her out of the house and got married to another lady THREE months after. THREE months! Three months Mus'ab. I've heard of animalistic men. You're my first real example of what an animalistic man is."

He sighed,"I messed up. I know. I was under the influence of my mother, but I swear I never stopped loving Tisha. I never for once stopped thinking about her. But what could I do? I wanted to come looking for her the moment I realized I was responsible for the pregnancy but I was scared she would hate me for the rest of her life so I stayed put. And I didn't get married. The lady she met at the house that day was my cousin. She came for a short visit where I told her about what was happening at that time. That's why she lied about being my wife when Tish showed up. I was still hurting from the betrayal so I played along. But I regret it. I have been regretting for almost a year now. I couldn't take it anymore so I went back to the hospital  I took her to after she fainted in the rain. But on getting there, I was told you both had left. Then I knew I was in deep trouble. I was dumb and foolish to let her go. I could have solved the issue any other way than to let her go."

He wiped his eyes,"I couldn't find you two anywhere. Not at her parents house either. You both had blocked my number and other social media handles so I had no choice than to pull in my friend. Iman found you within days. I had given up on seeing you two ever again but he gave me hope. And honestly, the moment he sent me pictures of Tish and my kids together, I knew I wanted to start over again. Please. Help me find my wife and kids."

I looked up to find both of them staring at me with pleading eyes.

I sighed deeply.
"For the cat and rat fights we once used to have, I'll forgive you. Only if Tish forgives you first."

They both heaved relieved sighs.

I turned to my 'fiancé' with a dangerous grin, "Iman. How about we kick some butts together as team? It would be good for my agent profile. Fighting side by side with a top secret agent."

He returned it,"Let's put those skills to test partner."

I smiled.
We were going to get my family back.
My full family.

"Where to first?",he asked.
I led them to the back of the house and once again uncovered two more hidden bikes.

Launching helmets towards their waiting hands, I replied,"We get backup."

Whooosh 😪😪😪
That was fun🌝

Bound By Heart #1intheheartseriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant