It's Voting Time‼️‼️‼️

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Salaam beautiful people 🙃🙃🙃

We've got two sides of thoughts on how Tish got the pregnancy 😂
I'm even confused on what to decide on therefore there'll be a vote ‼️
If you haven't followed my Instagram handle @ abeedah_alabi, do so as soon as you're done reading this 🤗

The voting poll will be on air tomorrow evening.
I'm counting on y'all to vote whose side you're on.
Is Mus'ab responsible for the pregnancy?
Does the lady at the hotel have a hand in it instead?

Time's running ‼️
The voting will take place on my Instagram story tomorrow.
Ensure you follow @ abeedah_alabi in order to be able to decide who's responsible.
Your votes will decide the direction the story will follow 😂😂♥️♥️♥️

Love and kisses 😚😚😚🌹

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