Zarya vs Monika/Anti-Rebellion vs R Evolution (Week 9-16)

Start from the beginning

*Here we see Charlotte running down to the ring to try and fight her way into rescuing Anri albeit this ends with her being booted down by Enri who holds her down as Neun leaves the ring to grab a steel chair and reenters the ring and nears Anri who is trying to crawl to the outside*

Charlotte: Don't do this!

Neun: This is to prove a point to you Charlotte!.

*We see Neun dragging Anri back to the center of the ring as Charlotte starts to struggle trying to get out of Enri's grasp who knees her on the back before putting her in a crossface*

Neun: You are the definition of an anchor Charlotte!. *lifts the chair and the gives Anri a chairshot TO THE HEAD busting her open*

Charlotte: No!!!

*This is when Neun is about to do it again but Monika comes from behind her and grabs the steel chair to send Neun to the outside into retreat. After that, we see her whacking Enri on the back with the chair to force her to release Charlotte and after that Enri is told to retreat by Neun and does as such*

Charlotte: *runs to the bleeding Anri* God!. Monika we gotta get someone to patch up Anri!.

Monika: Ok, i'll keep them at bay with the chair while you leave through the crowd and then i'll follow you.

Charlotte: Gotcha.

*Afterwards, we see Charlotte first leaving with Anri through the crowd as Monika is back-to-back with her waving the chair around to keep Neun and Enri away before leaving alongside her as the crowd is confused on who to side with as R Evolution kinda deserved the bad treatment for forming an alliance with Monika anf the attack on Zarya but it wasn't as if Monika was showing to be evil barring that one occasion.*

Charlotte: I'm sorry Anri, i'm sorry for not being able to save you from that mess.

Week 11 (R Evolution/Neun 02 and Enri Louvre feud part 3):

Monika: So, what do we do now?. Like, i could fill in for Anri for next week's match but i don't know if you'd like that Charlotte considering how i'd be sticking my nose in business that isn't mine.

Charlotte: No...

Monika: Charlotte?.

Charlotte: I said no!.

Monika: But to what?.

Charlotte: To you not being my partner for next week's match!. Like, think about it, we don't know how long Anri is gonna be out and i want, no, i NEED to get back at them no matter how!. And i know i am not good enough to do it by myself so i want you as my partner so we can kick those two to the curb and make them pay for taking out Anri!.

Monika: If you want me as your partner then i will suffice. Are you sure you wanr that even with the risk of this being our first time teaming up?.

Charlotte: Heh, anything's better than me doing it by myself considering how i drag anyone down. As for Neun and Enri, those two will not know what hit them when they are proven wrong on us forcing people into your way of thinking Monika. Now let's go train, we need to be in good condition to kick their asses.

*We see Charlotte leaving to train as Monika has a worried look on her face*

Monika: Charlotte, what happened to you to make you hate yourself?.

Week 12 (R Evolution's Monika and Charlotte vs Enri Louvre and Neun 02):

The stories of this match were how Enri and Neun tried by any means to prevent Charlotte from tagging Monika in since they knew it would make things harder to do should that happen and they believed Charlotte would drag down even Monika so they were trying to get a quick easy win, the second story was simply Enri and Neun working over Charlotte's back to make it harder for her to escape and get the tag, this all factored into (as long as Charlotte was in the match) Neun and Enri had a huge 75/25 lead.
The final story of the match was how Charlotte didn't help herself either as due to what happened with Anri 2 weeks ago she was hella pissed and that led to her making mistakes which Neun and Enri took advantage of.
As per what happened when Monika got tagged in?, simple, the match became controlled by her 65/35 due to Neun and Enri having tired themselves with Charlotte and Monika being better than the both of them.
In the end, Enri and Neun connected the Demon Device (Doomsday Device) on Charlotte and Neun covered her to get the clean victory.
After the match, we see Monika trying to help Charlotte to her feet while Charlotte was getting worse and it was noticeable on her sad face due to having even more proof she dragged anyone down....till Zarya comes from behind and gives Monika a Particle Knee (Kinshasa) and before Charlotte can process what happened, she does the same to her.
After that, we see Zarya standing over Monika and saying...*

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