Chapter 46

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The meeting came to an end.
"Your mum contributed a very huge sum to the school" McKenna told Megan who smirked slightly.

"It's only normal. I wonder what Stormi's contributed" Megan said out loud before giggling. "Oops" she added and her friends giggled like maniacs.

Stormi gulped, not saying anything as the class watched.

"Aren't you gonna do something?" Heidi asked.

"I don't see the need in channelling my anger towards her" Stormi said with a shrug.

"Wow that's rare" Aaron replied.
River walked up to Megan and they talked while she flirted with him. Ares exhaled in annoyance.

"You okay?" River asked

"Of course he's fine. Oh River you wouldn't mind a photoshoot would you?" Megan asked adjusting his shirt while flirting with him.

"Actually I do" River said pulling her hand away.

"Mum" Megan said before walking away to meet her mum.

"Yo River I think I saw your dad's ride. I'm not so sure though considering the fact that the meeting is over" Cain informed.

"He prolly didn't make it" River said smiling.

"That's great bro" Ares said happily.

"Uh oh" The guys said onseeing Felix. Felix walked into the class with some men and the class went silent. They bowed to River.

"Whoa this amount of power is damn" Heidi said while Trey whistled.

"Lucky him" Jordyn muttered while Stormi's expression fell.

"The boss requests your presence" One of the men said.

"This is inevitable afterall" River said running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm afraid we have no more time to waste" another said.

Felix gave River an apologetic look.
"I'll come with you bro" Ares told him.

"Don't" River warned before turning around and walking away. They went after him.

"I hope things go right" Jalen said and the guys exchanged afraid glances.

River got to where his dad was. Tiago glared at him.

"You committing crimes is one thing and you trying to put me away is another" Tiago said.

"Hello to you too" River said in a tone dripping with sarcasm and Tiago's jaw clenched.

"I don't feel too good. I'll be going to the bathroom guys" Stormi said before walking away hurriedly.

"We should check up on her" Aaron said.

"Go ahead. Considering the fact she said she'd be in the bathroom" Jordyn teased and Aaron frowned. The rest laughed at him.

"You're stupid sometimes" Zac said with a shrug.

"She's fine" Jordyn finally told him.

"You clearly wasted my time considering the fact that I'm a busy man"

"Coming here was your choice" River replied.

"Would you look at your appearance" Tiago said in disbelief.

"Like hell I can" River replied and Tiago got angry and punched him in the stomach. River groaned.

"This isn't who I raised you to be. You now cause fire and hijack cars? He was close to suing and do you know what damage that would cause to my reputation if it was aired?" Tiago asked angrily.
"I hide every damn thing you do yet you do more, you failure!"

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