Chapter 5. Same Page

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ANIMAL control had arrived after many hours on the road to the place where all dogs were being kept. The Paw Patrol pups were thrown into an enclosure where hundreds of other dogs were cramped in.
The pups were dizzy and confused from the sedation. The last thing they remembered was chaos at the prison. The enclosure was a confined space, it's surface made of grey concrete and it was blocked off by rusty old chain link.
The roof was made of old wooden planks.

"Where are we?" Skye asked, shaking the dizziness from her head. "You guys are at Foggy Bottom. This is the pup prison Mayor Humdinger made for us" a golden male retriever said.

"It's a place of nightmare!" an old English sheepdog exclaimed. "We only get food one time a day and what's even worse, we all have to fight for a share!" a little white dog shouted, "and I'm always loosing the fight because I'm so small". "I had a heat stroke because of how hot it is!" a tiny chihuahua exclaimed.

All of the dogs in the place started yelling out everything they've been through in pup prison. "That's enough!" Chase barked. The dogs went silent.

"When Paw Patrol is around, trouble never last much longer" Chase said. "HUH?" the crowd said. "Me along with my friends will free all of you guys from this place of terror and reunite everyone with their beloved owners" Chase barked proudly and confidently. The whole crowd cheered and barked with joy. "But I need everyone on the same page. The plan we come up with must be followed by everyone. Whoever disagrees with the plan will stay in prison and loose his chance of getting freedom" Chase finished.

The dogs were barking with joy and hope. They had been cramped and locked up for many months. All of the dogs returned to napping, or playing, or doing whatever they were doing. Chase joined his friends who were sitting together and talking. "I think I would make a better leader" Zuma said.
"Look at the trouble Chase got us in".

"Zuma, stop with your stuff! Chase is a great leader. None of us have the ability to lead the Paw Patrol after Ryder like Chase does. Leading is a completely different task that has to be taken serious" Liberty said.

"What's going on over here?" Chase asked, sitting down besides Rubble and Rocky. "Oh nothing" Skye said. "Good then. I need everyone to help me think of a plan to free these poor dogs and reunite them with their owners" Chase said. "How are we gonna free them? We don't even have our professional suits for rescue missions or our vehicles" Rubble said.

"Rubble is right. We have nothing with us" Marshall said.

Everyone started agreeing with Rubble.

"Guys, stop with this negative talk. We don't need anything to free these dogs. The one thing we need is each other. We are the Paw Patrol and nothing stops us from rescuing even when we don't have our equipment" Chase said.

Liberty walked on Chase's side. "I agree" she said. Soon everyone was on Chase's side except for one. "Zuma?" Chase said. "I do not agree with you" Zuma said. "Why?" Chase asked. "I still think you're a bad leader. Leaders get others out of trouble not in trouble. You did the opposite of a leader" Zuma said. "What are you talking about? When have you been thinking I am a bad leader?" Chase asked. "When we were thrown into this disgusting place" Zuma said. "How did I get us into trouble?" Chase queried.

"Your too blind to see. Someone please check his vision" Zuma said, getting up and walking away slowly.

"He's talking about you getting us stuck in pup prison. This wasn't your fault but Zuma is too blind to see it wasn't" Marshall said. "I need to go speak to him. I need everyone on the page for this rescue plan" Chase said and got up.

"Zuma, why are you so mad?" Chase asked. "Don't you see the trouble we're in because of you. When things got chaotic at the prison, you weren't even taking orders like Ryder does. I don't know what in the world you were doing. What kind of leader doesn't take orders? Your suppose to guide us and direct us" Zuma said.

"Zuma, listen. I tried my best but during that moment, things were just too confusing. I know you hate this place and so do I. Everyone hates it. And if someone was too like it, then they must be out of their mind.
No one can lead like Ryder does. He's the best leader and person I've ever met. Thought Ryder is the greatest leader, look at where he is. He is in prison just like us. Even the greatest leaders get into trouble. No one is perfect" Chase explained. Zuma was amazed by Chase's speech of wisdom.

"Thanks Chase. Now I really understand. I just didn't get it before" Zuma said. "I'm always here for you, and you know that. Are you on the same page?" Chase asked. "I'm with you and I'm sorry about the rude statements" Zuma said. "No need to apologize. You didn't understand but now you do" Chase said, turning around. Zuma turned around and walked besides Chase.

He smiled brightly and wagged his tail.

The Paw Patrol were together and on the same page. They didn't need their equipment in order to rescue. They needed each other and most importantly a good leader. Chase was growing more and more confident as being leader of the Paw Patrol. He just really wanted Ryder back for he was missed by all of his pups. But Chase knew that he and his team had a big mission tomorrow and they needed all their sleep to get through their big busy day.

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