Chapter 4. Leader Chase

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"RISE and shine!" Chase barked, wagging his tail confidently ready for another day. Rubble stretched out and yawned. "Five minutes please. It was a late night yesterday" Rubble yawned. "We got a rescue mission to focus on" Chase said. "Can't it wait five minutes" Liberty said. "Don't you want Ryder to be out of there as soon as possible. Who knows what prison is like? Ryder is probably cold, afraid, and hungry. Who knows if the people are feeding him, where he's sleeping, where he's staying?" Chase said, in a voice sounding sad. "He's right. Who knows what the situation could be?" Marshall said, jumping out of his dog bed.

Soon everyone was awake and ready for action. Chase pressed the red button, popping up the digital city. Everyone gathered around and Chase began to speak. Taking Ryder's place as leader was kind of strange for him. He wasn't sure how to start and how to lead the Paw Patrol on a rescue. But remembering how Ryder did it, Chase got some confidence and tried his best.

"The prison is right here, not far from the headquarters" Chase said. "But we need to figure out how will we get Ryder out?". Chase shifted his gaze from the digital city to the pups. "That's not so hard. All we need is a group to distract the guards and group who will sneak in and break Ryder free" Zuma said. "Your right, it isn't so hard" Chase said.

"I will need Rubble to come with me because he has the bulldozer which will he used to break through the prison. Then I will Marshall, for just in case the police catch us breaking in" Chase said. "What should I do if they catch us?" Marshall questioned. "You will water them and soak them. To make it worse for them, shoot the water balls at them if they catch us" Chase said.

"Now I will need Zuma, Liberty, Rocky, and Skye to be the bait. You guys will distract the guards and keep them from catching us" Chase ordered.

"Everyone got it?" Chase asked. "Understood, Chase, sir!" the pups barked with full confidence and strength. "Paw Patrol is on a roll!" Chase howled. The pups howled and then everyone got suited up for the rescue. 

Soon after, the Paw Patrol were taking off in their vehicles and heading to the prison where Ryder awaited. "I'm not afraid or worried. I know my pups will be coming soon" Ryder boldly said to the police man. "Your pups? Haha!" the man started laughing evilly. "Didn't you hear that Mayor Humdinger is going to capture and send your pups to a secret place" the police man said.

"Yes I heard that but us Paw Patrol will never be defeated nor destroyed" Ryder said. "And anyways, what is this secret place?".

"Ohhhh I can't tell you but I can tell you that it is creepy. All dogs and pups are kept in a enclosure blocked off by rusty chain link. Bones and debris are scattered across the enclosure, while fog and mist travel through the chain link. The dogs and pups whimper from fear, fight for space and food, and pant because of the heat of many body's and the humid fog" the police explained.

Ryder couldn't believe what he had heard. It sounded like the dogs were in a place of horror and fear. With everything the police had just described, Ryder was gonna use the facts to his advantage. Suddenly there was commotion and yelling coming from outside. The policeman who had been talking to Ryder, ran outside to see what was going. "PAW PATROL!" the police man yelled.

"Call animal control!" another police man yelled.

Ryder was confused and was very eager to know what was happening.

Outside, the Paw Patrol had arrived, led by Chase. Animal Control had arrived within minutes. The plan to break Ryder free was taking another turn.

Chase, Rubble and Marshall had planned to be the ones to break through the prison, but they were caught by the police. Skye, Liberty, Zuma, and Rocky had planned to be the bait but they couldn't distract the police. It was too many guards and policemen for four dogs to distract.

Chase was confused and didn't know what else to do. "This is why we need Ryder" Chase thought. Animal Control started sedating each dog. Soon all of the dogs were sedated and thrown into the truck. The rescue had gone all wrong and now the pups were gonna be locked up as well.

The commotion died down and the Animal Control were gone with the pups to the secret place where dogs were being taken. Ryder felt sad, lonely, and worried about his pups. Who was gonna break him free from prison? How were his pups gonna get out of wherever they were being taken? Was Mayor Humdinger's plan to destroy the Paw Patrol really gonna succeed?

Only time would tell.

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