Chapter 1. On The Road

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EVERYBODY was packed up and ready to hit the road. The pups got in the Paw Patroller and Ryder sat at the wheel. "Everyone's ready?" Ryder asked. "We are ready!" the pups howled. Ryder started the engine and took off. Paw Patrol was now on the road, heading for Adventure City on a big rescue mission. During the long drive, Ryder explained why the city needed them. "How is Mayor Humdinger gonna destroy us?" Skye asked, worriedly. Before Ryder could answer, Marshall interrupted.

"Maybe he's gonna kill us" Marshall guessed. "Don't say that!" the pups yelled. Marshall giggled with embarrassment. "I don't know how he'll destroy us but I need you guys ready for the unexpected. Mayor Humdinger is the worst mayor in the history of mayors" Ryder said.

The pups nodded in agreement.

"I wonder where he's taking all of the dogs in the city?" Rubble wondered. "Maybe to a dumpster for recycling? He's probably gonna recycle the dogs and turn them into cats" Rocky laughed. Everyone started laughing.

"Well, Paw Patrol will never be defeated by anyone or anything" Chase said proudly. Ryder smiled admiring Chase's wise statements.

The drive was long and tiring for the pups. Though Ryder wanted to sleep like his puppies, he wasn't able to. He had to stay by the wheel all day long. Because Paw Patrol had hit the road kind of late in the evening, the sun was starting set giving way to the moon.

They were already far from the headquarters in Adventure Bay when the Paw Patroller started slowing down. Then somewhere next to the wheel, the fuel gauge started blinking red. "Oh no" Ryder said worriedly, putting his hand on his forehead. A worried expression was written on his face.

The pups were dead asleep, unaware of the trouble.

Then the Paw Patroller came to a sudden halt, stopping in the middle of the road. Forest and country area lined both sides of the road. There were no signs of people or civilization anywhere to be seen.

Ryder left the wheel and headed outside. "What am I suppose to do?" he said running his fingers through his hair. "We're gonna be late".

Liberty was the first to awake. She noticed Ryder wasn't at the wheel and the Paw Patroller wasn't moving. "I wonder what's happening" she whispered, tip toeing to the doorway of the vehicle.

She peeked her head out and saw Ryder talking on the phone. He was pacing back and forward, looking worried. "I need you to come quicker. I have a rescue mission and I cannot be late" Ryder said.

"Alright, just hurry" Ryder said and hung up the call. "Oh hey Liberty" Ryder said when he saw her looking out of the vehicle.

"What's going on?" she asked, jumping down. "The Paw Patroller ran out of fuel. But I got someone coming with gallons of gas" Ryder said, petting her on the head.

"How long?" Liberty asked. "I'm not sure because we're kinda far" Ryder said getting inside. "Looks like it's gonna rain. We better wait inside".

Liberty followed him into the vehicle.

And so Ryder waited and waited for the fuel to arrive. He knew the man was gonna take long because of the rain. Soon he heard a honk outside and headed out. "Thanks goodness you're here. I was starting to get worried you'd never make it" Ryder said, lifting a jug of fuel.

"Well I knew I had to hurry though it's raining. Paw Patrol gotta big mission" said the man.

Ryder refilled the fuel tank and soon after, he was at the wheel again. They hit the road and continued to Adventure City, to their rescue mission that awaited. By early morning, they were only twenty minutes away. The pups were awake and Liberty was telling of what happened last night.

"The fuel then arrived some time later and Ryder wasted no time. He refilled the tank and hit the road again" Liberty finished her story.

"I can't believe that actually happened while we were sleeping" Marshall said. "And we had no idea" Skye giggled.

"Why didn't you bring fuel?" Rocky asked Ryder. "Out of everything, I forgot the most important thing" Ryder laughed at his unsmart mistake that costed them precious time.

"Here we are!" the pups howled. Adventure City, here they were!

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