Chapter 17

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Tul's POV

It was a six hour drive to my client's house.

I veered off the motorway into an exit where I stopped at a rest area to use a public wash room. Then I went inside the gas station's mini mart where I purchased a chicken salad sandwich and an iced tea lemon drink.

It was dark by the time I got to Mr. Watthanasetsiri's residence.

He was pleasantly surprised that I had personally delivered the project binder to him. I told him that Mr. Chitsawangdee and I were aware that he needed it the day after tomorrow so handing it over to him today would give him the time to go through it before presenting it to his company's board of directors.

Mr. Watthansetsiri was very happy and impressed with my company's dedication to quality service to our clients. He told me that he would make sure to bring his next project to our company again. I thanked him and told him that my company looked forward eagerly to working with him again.

Since it was night time by the time I got to his residence, Mr. Watthanasetsiri invited me to spend the night at his house. I accepted his offer gratefully.

I must have been so tired from making the long drive to my client's house because I slept like a log till morning.

When I came out of the guest room, my client's housekeeper informed me that her boss had already left for work but had left instructions for me to make myself at home until I decided to head back to my own office.

I thanked the housekeeper for the lovely breakfast that she had prepared for me.

I was actually pretty hungry when I woke up because my last meal was just the chicken salad sandwich that I had bought yesterday from the gas station mini mart.

I made quick work of the pile of pancakes and crispy strips of bacon and the big bowl of pork and beans. I sipped the fragrant jasmine tea a little more slowly because it was steaming hot.

I thanked the housekeeper once more as she accompanied me to the driveway. She pressed the remote to open the gate for me and then I was on my way back to Mr. Chitsawangdee.

I was just about to merge with the motorway traffic when my phone started to ring. A quick glance at my phone which was sitting on the passenger seat beside me told me that it was Mr. Chitsawangdee ringing me.

Shit I had forgotten to call him before I left the client's residence that I was making my way back to the office.

It can wait ... it can wait ... it can wait ... I kept telling myself when I felt tempted to pick up the call. After a few seconds I heard the notification of a voice mail.

It can wait ... it can wait ... it can wait ...

Finally after close to an hour, I saw a rest area sign up ahead.

I glanced at my gas gauge. I needed to put gas in my car.

Before stepping into the gas station mini mart I listened to my voice mail.

Hey, Tul, this is Mr. Chitsawangdee. I was just wondering if you received the text I sent you yesterday afternoon. Also, I would appreciate an update on your client visit. Call me please.

I paid the cashier for a full tank and then drove my car to an empty spot at the rest area parking lot.

Before I made the call to my supervisor I went to my messages to see what text he had sent me.

"Tul, someone claiming to be your close friend requested me to text you his name and number. Said he had been trying to reach you but since it was your old number he couldn't get through to you.

"Here's his name and contact number"

My heart jumped at seeing Max's name and number on Mr. Chitsawangdee's text message.

If You So Desire (sequel to Turn... and Walk Away)Where stories live. Discover now