Chapter 14

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Tul's POV

I tried to eat all of the food that my uncle prepared for me for dinner for two reasons: to regain my strength and to show my appreciation to my uncle for the effort he made in putting the dinner together for me.

When morning came I felt much stronger. I tried to help out my uncle in the kitchen and other household chores but he would not have any of it. He told me to stay in bed and rest. He asked me when I was going to let my mom know where I was. I promised him that I would do so first thing in the morning before I left for work.

I made a quick call to my supervisor Mr. Chitsawangdee to tell him that I was feeling much stronger and that I would be reporting back to work tomorrow morning.

"Are you sure?" Mr. Chitsawangdee asked. "Don't you want to take an extra day to rest?"

"I'm positive," I replied. "I can't wait to go back to work. I don't want my workload to pile up on me."

"Very well then," Mr. Chitsawangdee said. "I will see you tomorrow. Rest well today."

"I will, thank you, sir."

=  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =

Third Person POV

Max was awakened by the feel of Godt's lips on his forehead.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," Godt said. "We don't wanna be late for work."

Max pushed away his blanket and got out of bed. He was thankful that Godt had been very understanding of him last night when he told Godt that he was not ready to be intimate with him.

Godt had said that it was okay and that he was just thankful that he had Max's company for the night.

Max greeted Debbie with a sheepish smile when he passed by the receptionist desk to clock in.

"I'm sorry for not letting you know that I wasn't going back to the apartment for the night," Max said looking sincerely contrite.

"Don't do it again or I will throw you out of my apartment next time," Debbie said, glaring at Max.

Just before the end of the work day Max received a call from Tul's mom.

Oh shit, Max had forgotten to do what he had promised Tul's mom, that he would continue trying to contact Tul until he found out where Tul was.

"Hello, Max," Tul's mom said. "I finally got a call from Tul. He is recovering at my brother's house. He will be going back to work tomorrow. His supervisor told him to rest until tomorrow."

"Thank you for letting me know, mom," Max said.

"Sure thing," said Tul's mom. "I hope that things will work out for both of you soon."

"Thank you, mom," was all that Max could say because he was still undecided whether he wanted to get back together with Tul or not.

"You wanna have dinner with me at BBQ Goodness?" Godt asked Max when Max was about to walk out to the parking lot."

"Not this evening, Godt, I'm sorry," Max replied. "But thank you for the offer."

Max tried to make up for his thoughtless behavior to Debbie by offering to cook dinner for her and Jan and for himself. 

Debbie was more than happy to let him do the cooking so that she could sit down with her cousin and watch their favorite lakorn.

Debbie and Jan were very impressed with the dinner that Max had managed to put together. It consisted of beef strips that had been fried and then smothered in delicious gravy and surrounded by long strips of green and red bell peppers.

Max had thought that working in the kitchen would tire him enough to make him fall asleep right away. Instead he tossed and turned late into the night debating with himself whether he should contact Tul and ask to sit down with him and have a long and serious talk.

When Max was awakened by his alarm clock he decided not to call Tul but to stop by his work place instead and tell him that he would like to discuss their situation with him. 

Maybe they could go to a quiet place where they could talk uninterrupted. He did not want to talk in their condo unit because the atmosphere there would only serve to remind him of their last disastrous interaction.

Before clocking out at the end of the work day, Max told Debbie that he was not going back to the apartment immediately but that he would call her if he was going to come back late.

Max's heart was beating extra fast as he parked his car in the visitor's parking area of Tul's company building. He felt nervous because he didn't know how things would play out.

He had just entered the lobby of the building when he heard raised voices down the hallway.

From afar Max saw Tul with two middle aged looking men.

"That error is unacceptable!" one of the men was brandishing his finger at Tul. "You're going to make me lose a lot of money!"

"I'm so sorry," the other man who was standing close to Tul was saying. "My staff has just come back from a hospital stay and must have not yet been well enough to catch the error."

"Then you should have assigned the job to someone else!" the other guy continued to yell.

"I'm so sorry, sir," Max heard Tul say.

Max noticed that Tul looked like he was close to tears.

Max turned and walked back to his car. He decided that this was not the best time to sit down and talk with Tul.

If You So Desire (sequel to Turn... and Walk Away)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें