Chapter 3

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Max's POV

I must have dozed off while listening to the music.

When I awakened, Tul was gone from his seat. He must have gone to the gents. I might as well go there myself because I hadn't visited any rest room since we arrived at the airport in Taipei.

I slowly rose from my seat and started making my way to the gents.

From afar I could see Tul about to enter the gents but one of the airline staff approached him and after exchanging a few words I saw Tul put his hand inside his pocket and then I saw him draw out a piece of shiny blue paper. He seemed to be offering it to the airline staff. What the hell was going on.

I quickened my steps.

"Are you going inside the gents or not?" I asked Tul. "Because if you're not I'm going in myself."

With those words, I pushed Tul aside and went inside the gents cubicle.

Bad, bad, very bad mistake. Huge.

Because of what I did, I had given Tul and that airline staff more opportunity to get acquainted with each other and to exchange numbers, although at that time I had not yet realized what was happening behind my back.

When I got out of the cubicle Tul was still standing outside but the airline staff was no longer with him.

"That wasn't very nice of you," he said with a pout.

His cutesy pout was always my undoing. I grabbed him and kissed him full on the lips before allowing him to go inside the gents.

Then I started walking back to my seat.

I was still about three rows of seats away from mine when I noticed the same airline staff walking down the same aisle I was in. The clumsy bastard had been walking a little too fast so much so that he did not give me enough time to move aside and, not only did his shoulders bump me hard enough to make my waist dig painfully into one of the seats but he also accidentally stepped on my foot.

I don't know just how heavy the bastard was but the weight of his foot on mine gave me enough pain as to cause me to limp back to my seat.

"Watch it, dude," I said testily to him.

"Sorry," he muttered before continuing his way down the aisle.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. We reached Suvarnabhumi Airport as scheduled.

We took a taxicab back to our unit because we had figured that it would cost more to park our car for three weeks at the airport.

"What was that heavy sigh for?" Tul asked me after we got inside our condo unit.

"I'm just sad that our honeymoon is over," I said.

"It's not over yet, babe," he said before grabbing me and leading me to our bedroom.

= = = = = = = = =

Thankfully Tul and I didn't have to go back to work immediately when we got back from Taiwan because the following day was a Sunday.

I awakened fully refreshed. I must have had a good quality sleep the night before because I woke up feeling energized. I was feeling hungry as well.

I turned to look at Tul who was lying close beside me. He was sleeping like a baby, my big baby.

I left the bed as quietly as I could so as not to wake him up.

After my morning rituals and shower, I made my way to the kitchen.

I made sure that there was enough water in the electric kettle before plugging it into the outlet at the corner of the kitchen counter.

I then proceeded to the fridge to see what ingredients I could put together to make Tul and myself a decent breakfast. Looking around inside the fridge, I could tell that Tul and I needed to do some serious shopping for replenishments. Usually though it was Tul who would do the marketing. Tul just loved marketing. He loved going from aisle to aisle in the supermarket. He especially loved going to the raw food section where he would choose either a package or two of Atlantic salmon fillets or jumbo shrimps, or when he was at the meat section he would choose a package or two of tenderloin cuts or ribeye cuts.

After managing to put together a rolled up omelet Japanese style and placing several pieces of golden brown toasts on a platter, I poured some boiling water from the electric kettle into our individual mugs. Then I dropped a citrus hibiscus teabag into each mug before going to wake up my baby.

I crept into the bedroom intending to wake him up with a kiss.

My lips were inches close from his when I heard him moan first before whispering, "P'Mew ... "

If You So Desire (sequel to Turn... and Walk Away)Where stories live. Discover now