12 | Happy New Years

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New Years Day by Taylor Swift

New Years Day by Taylor Swift

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"I want your midnight's."


Y/N went back to America to do a few interviews and recording the new songs. In those few days, she did a lot; she kept moving, task after task, she ran on caffeine.

Y/N yawned and sat down in her seat on her jet. Her friend, Shawn sitting across from her. Y/N laid back and got comfortable; just as her brain finally relaxing, then her phone rang. Y/N grumbled, grabbing her phone picking it up, not seeing who it is. "Yelena, I swear, I'll be there soon; it's too early for any more questions."

"It's nice to talk to you too, love." George chuckled, "I forgot about the time difference; I'm sorry."

"Oh- hi, hun, it's okay. What can I do for you?" She smiled softly, hearing his voice.

"Well... Yelena wanted to know if your on the plane because, with the time difference and flight time, you may be late. And I'm with Yelena and Dean at the flat, decorating; you're on speaker."

"Yea, I heard that!" Yelena yelled with a laugh.

Y/N chuckled, "well, don't worry. I'm taking my jet, so we'll be there by 9 pm, hopefully at the flat by 10 pm. Interviews and recordings took forever," she sighed.

"Your sister is famous then," Dean chuckled as Yelena whispered to him, "you have no idea, just don't tell."

"Okay, just be safe, love." George smiled, "we'll see you soon. Do you want a pickup at the airport?"

"I'm landing at a private airport that's closer, then driving over with my friend Shawn."

George felt a bit of jealously; who is Shawn, and why is he alone with his girlfriend on her private jet? He kept his cool, or tried to, "more the merrier."

"Yay! Shawn's coming!?" Yelena grinned, "Shawn are you coming by the party?"

Shawn leaned over and smiled, "yes, Yelena, I need to come say hi before I go over to Birmingham by car. I have to give you your birthday gift since I can't come to the party."

"Sweet, I love gifts from rich people. Now have a safe flight, and hurry up!" Yelena yelled.

"Yes, stay safe, my love," George smiled.

"I will; you all hurry up finishing decorating, bye hun," Y/N smiled the hung up after the chorus of goodbyes. "Yelena is excited to see her favourite Shawn."

"I think I'm the only Shawn she knows?"

"There was that Shawn from Shoppers when we were all in Toronto, Canada, when I was on tour, and you opened for me."

"Touché," Shawn Mendes laughed.

Y/N and Shawn landed and drove over to the flat in Shawn's rented car. They got there a bit late since there was traffic. They parked and jumped out of the car, grabbing Y/N's suitcase, going up to the flat.

Y/N unlocked the door, "hello!?"

"Y/N! Shawn!" Yelena grinned, hugging them both. "Took you long enough," she smiled and led them in.

"Well, there was traffic and turbulence, but we are here," Y/N smiled.

"The place looks great; you definitely did well on decorating with Dean and George," Shawn smiled.

"He knows?" Yelena asked as Y/N nodded with a smirk.

"Yea, I spilled the whole teapot on the way-"

"Love!" George grinned, walking over and sweeping Y/N off her feet, kissing her sweetly. "I've missed you," he smiled down at her.

"If I get a hello like that, I should leave more often," she giggled, trying to gain her composure.

"No, that's okay; I'll just greet you like that every time, promise."

"Deal," she grinned and kissed his cheek, wrapping her arms around his body. "Oh- George, this is my good friend Shawn."

"Nice to meet you, mate."

"You too, Y/N's told me a lot about you," Shawn smiled as they shook hands.

"Oh, hush," Y/N playfully punched Shawn's arm as he laughed.

Shawn took out his phone when he got a call, "it's Camila; I'll be right back."

"Oh- I want to say hi," Y/N smiled, grabbing his hand and walking off. Yelena went off to find Dean.

George stood there alone, his mate was with his girl, and his love was with another man. Maybe Camila is his sister or girlfriend... But still, it bothered him how close they were; they were only friends. No, they were good friends. George shook his head and went to talk with a few mates.

After Y/N said hi to Camila, she left, so she and Shawn could talk privately. Y/N walked around saying hello to a few people, then found her lover waving off a friend; Y/N walked up to him and smiled. "Hey, there."

"Hello, love," he smiled, trying to hide what was bothering him.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing, don't worry about-"

"Well, talk later, hun," she smiled, grabing his hand, leading him over to Yelena and Dean.

Shawn walked over with a smile, "okay, I'm heading out to see Camila; thanks for letting me get a free jet ride."

"No problem, Shawn," Y/N laughed and hugged him as Yelena followed.

"Bye, Shawn," she smiled and thanked him when he slipped her the birthday gift.

After Shawn left, the four talked the night away. Soon enough, it was almost midnight. People started counting down.

"Do you really have a jet?" Dean raised an eyebrow at Y/N.

"I do; I'm one of the top singers on the world, just don't tell George. We don't want any of that hate and stress in our relationship just yet. But we will be talking about it very soon," Y/N nodded.

"And you guys will when you two are ready."


Yelena smiled at Y/N, "oh- we're counting down!" Dean grinned.


Yelena wrapped her arms around Dean as they smiled at each other.


Y/N looked around, trying to find George; she went to the balcony to cut to the kitchen.


George walked to the living room, but couldn't see Y/N, so he went to the balcony.


As Y/N was about to leave, George walked outside, making them both grin.


They walked towards each other, Georges's arms around her waist, Y/N's around his neck.


They smiled and counted down in union

"3... 2... 1." They met in the middle, smiling into the kiss.

"Happy new year's, love."

"Happy new year's, lover."

Y/N was so happy; she hasn't felt like this in a while... What could go wrong?

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