20 | Only The Beginning

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Fearless by Taylor Swift

"I don't know how it gets better then this?"

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"I don't know how it gets better then this?"


After the show, the four were back on the red carpet, taking photos and answering more questions, especially about their engagement. 

"Yes, I've known him for three years, and we reconnected last summer, so we tried things out again. We love each other and want to be together... If you listen to the lyrics of my new songs, you'll hear all these easter eggs," Y/N smiled as George held her close, arm around her waist.

"I agree, we finally made it official, and we're happy, very happy! This was my first time attending the Oscars, and it's the best one I'll ever attend, because I did win... Maybe not a gold little man, but something much more." George's eye twinkled as his loving gaze met with Y/N's.

"I couldn't agree more," Y/N smiled.

"What will you two do after the Oscars?"

Y/N was going to say something dirty but stopped and giggled when George shot her a look. "We'll be going to some after-parties, then having a celebratory drink with her sister Yelena and my friend Dean. Then get Pancakes for international pancake day, Tuesday."

"Sounds fun, have fun! Congratulations on the engagement!" The interviewer smiled and waved them off.

Once they were in the limo, on the way to the after-parties, Y/N laughed. "When she asked, what will you two be doing after the Oscars? I was going to say each other!"

"That's amazing!" Yelena laughed as George and Dean chuckled.

"You're something else, you know that?"

"Oh- yea, but now your stuck with me," Y/N smiled and kissed him softly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way..."

After the parties and celebrating with everyone, George and Y/N turned in at 5:57 am. They were exhausted, but they stayed up, showing each other how much they loved each other.

In the morning, they laid in bed together, taking in everything. Both bare under the sheet, in her hotel suite. "So, I want a wedding that will be like an national holiday! We'll have 2000 guests, I'll get a 700,000 dollar dress, and we'll get a 14 tier wedding cake," Y/N pretended, laughing to herself as she lays her head on his chest, tracing his abs.

George craned his neck to look at her funny, "what? That does not sound like you," he chuckled.

"I'm kidding; you know me too well," Y/N smiled up at him, "I'd like a small wedding, only family and a few friends. Maybe we can get married at this garden in Singapore? My mother and I travelled there; I have some amazing memories there with her, then later with Yelena when I took her there."

"I'd love that. Dean will be my best man."

"Yelena will be my maid of honour; how perfect."

"Then we'll have my little cousins as the ring bearer and flower girl?"

"That would be so cute!" Y/N smiled, looking up at him. "Do you still want kids?"

"Yes, I'd love some little Y/N's."

"I'd love some little George's... Maybe three?"

"Sounds perfect," he kissed her forehead.

The next day, they went out for pancakes. They sat across from each other; the two ordered some coffee and pancakes.

"Banana and syrup, perfect."

"Don't get me wrong, Hunny, but the everything platter, Yelena, and I get is amazing. But, I'll give it to you this time; it's good this way."

"I think you already gave it to me last night," he whispered with a smirk.

Y/N gasped and hit his arm playfully, "George Mackay, you never say dirty jokes, but when you do, I love it!" She giggled and then began to eat.

"So, your living in the flat across from Yelena in London now?"

"No, actually..." George raised an brow, putting down his coffee and looking at the women, who met his eyes, "I didn't get the flat."

"Well... I'll follow you wherever you go, so where to?" George smiled and held onto the girls hand on the table.

"Well, London."

"Huh- I thought you said, you didn't get the flat?" He chuckled as his face showed how confused he was.

"I didn't get the flat," Y/N took a deep breathe. "I bought the house three down from the building." She smiled then looked down at her food, "there's a lot of room, more then enough for one person. It's a family home actually."

"Are you trying to ask me to move in with you?"

"Maybe," Y/N giggled taking a sip of her coffee.

"It's a yes, then I can wake up next to you every morning, even sooner." He smiled as Y/N sighed happily.

"I'm really happy... This is where our journey together is beginning."

"And its only the beginning..."

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