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Long Live by Taylor Swift

"I said remember this moment."


Y/N held her phone to her ear as she tried calling her sister; Yelena Zarina. She hasn't seen her baby sister for a few months since she's been busy touring; Y/N is a singer. She also has been making music for movies and produced a few in the past few years. Yelena was also busy at school; she attending the Imperial College London, in England, she's getting a marketing degree to become a director.

Y/N walked away from her parked jet as she walked into the airport, keeping a low profile so that no one would recognize her. Her red suitcase following behind her as she smiled to herself; she was excited, to say the least. "Y/N!" The woman looked up to see her baby sister running towards her with a grin; Y/N grinned and met her in the middle with a bear hug. "Welcome home! I've missed you so much," Yelena mumbled into her hair.

"I've missed you so much," Y/N pulled back to look at her sister. "I'm here for however long I can be; I'm not touring; all I have to do is write a few songs for my new album dropping in a few months." The woman shrugged as they walked side by side to Yelena's car. She normally never used her car since she walked everywhere, but Y/N insisted she has one in case. As they drove to Yelena's flat, they couldn't stop giggling. Her flat (apartment) was around the corner from her university, and it overlooked Hyde Park. Y/N smiled as she looked out the window at the park, "this place is beautiful."

"I agree; that's why you should move here." Yelena giggled as she brought two beers over as they collapsed on the couch together. Y/N chuckled as Yelena looked over at her with a smile, "you should!"

"I can't, I-"

"Y/N," Yelena turned her body to look at her sister. "You aren't touring. When you do interviews, you can take your jet. When you need to work in a certain city, you can rent a flat for a few months. You can write your music here; you are going to anyways."

"Yelena, you're are right, but once I drop the album, I'll have to perform all over and at award shows. Plus, I'm performing at the Oscars, and the songs aren't even out yet," Y/N giggled.

"Whos going to be your date to the Oscars?"


"Sweet, I can't wait!"

"I know," Y/N smiled at the giddy girl; she sighed and stated. "You know what... I'm going to stay till Christmas."


"I can rent a flat in the building and-"

"No, you're staying here. It's a three-bedroom flat, there's more than enough room. The two masters are on opposite sides, so there is privacy."

"Okay, I'll get some more stuff shipped over. I'll just have to leave a few times for album stuff and performing."

"That's okay; I'll have school anyways. It's starts in September, so we have two months... We will finally live together again! I know it's only been two years, but still. I've missed my older sister."

"I've missed you too." Y/N hugged Yelena; they then talked about anything and everything for the rest of the night.

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