"Learn to control your emotions. It's doing me no good" he said emotionless.

"I'm sorry" Raven muttered.
Isla and Isle were playing and disturbing Cash. They stopped onseeing Tiago who stormed in angrily.

"Uh-oh" Isla. They all turned to face Tiago.

"Babe is some..." Raven but he silenced her and glared at River who had an amused grin.

"What is the meaning of this?" He said throwing the papers at River's feet.

"This isn't good for my reputation can we go inside already and can you guys do this at home? I'm getting a migraine" Megan annoyed as she looked around feeling mortified. They were out at a restaurant.

"Shut it!" McKenna barked

"It seems you're forgetting who you're talking to" Megan in a low tone as she took slow strides towards McKenna while glaring at her.

"Whoa whoa whoa girls cut this out. This sun isn't good for my skin" Madison looking at her skin and Noah rubbed soothing circles making her blush.

"This never gets old" Lake with an amused grin.

"Help me out here" Maxine said giving River her phone which he collected."Make sure the sun is glowing on my skin" and she made poses.

"Ouuu Mami you gon' kill a nigga someday" Lake taking pictures. She rolled her eyes then smiled and kept on posing.

Ares pulled Megan away while Keith pulled McKenna. Megan and Ares walked inside the restaurant.

"Let me go" McKenna removing his grip. He ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled.

"Please let's go inside before we get kicked off this property" Keith tired. She walked away and he followed.

"What is the meaning of this River?" Tiago angrily. By now they were in the sitting room.

"Aren't you exhausted from your repetition? Cause man am I bored" River said with a smirk.

"What's going on?" Raven screamed but nobody answered. She snatched the papers from Tiago and read through.

"I fucking put you through school. What haven't I done for you? You got expelled again?" Tiago asked glaring.

"Babe calm down" Raven as Tiago got angrier by the second. River clapped ticking him off even more.

"Isn't that your responsibility? You almost sound like you deserve dad of the year" he said chuckling.

"River this is your cue to stop" Isle chipped in.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do" River growled.

"Why would you do such to your principal? I get it you've been through alot but you've gone too far" Raven.

"Stop acting like you know what I've been through mom. Y'all know nothing!" River. Tiago was so angry and he started punching River.

"Babe stooop you're hurting him" Raven but he pushed her away.

"Dad.." Cash but once Tiago glared at him, he stepped back.

"You're a fucking disappointment River!" He spat with venom laced in his voice.

Isle watched while munching his chips noisily. Isla glared at him.
On hearing this, River got up from the floor.

"Whenever I look at you all I see is how I've failed" Tiago said.

"Santiago stop!" Raven screamed now crying. Isla hugged her.

"Failure is all I see! And I'll make sure to torture your freedom, River" He yelled with venom laced in his voice. River attacked Santiago and held him by the neck.

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