𝚌 𝚑 𝚊 𝚙 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 𝚜 𝚒 𝚡

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A/N: Damn, this hit 80+ reads. I'm surprised people actually read this, I was mainly writing it bcs. writing makes me feel better about myself. Also, thanks for the comments. I love reading them. Tysm!

[𝚈/𝙽]'𝚜 𝙿.𝙾.𝚅

A few days have passed since that day at the cafe. Ever since then, Hooni and I have become really close, almost inseparable.

At school, I noticed he would follow me around now and then. It's not that I was weirded out by it, I honestly thought it was cute and it felt nice to have him around. And if you're wondering; yes, I did get his number.

Today, I imagined I was just going to have a regular Monday. I suppose it was too early to determine that, though.

As I walked through the entrance doors of the school, I went straight to my locker. I then heard loud, echoing footsteps behind me. Don't tell me it's who I think it is...

"Hey, you bitch!" An unfortunately familiar voice boomed. I sighed before turning around to see it was the orange-haired dude that was bullying Hooni. I learned his name was Yuhm Hyung-Chul.

I slightly glared at him. "Ugh, what do you want? For me to beat your ass? Cuz I'll do that even if you don't ask for it." I slumped in my stance.

"Oh, cut the crap," He started. "I saw you and Hooni the other day, you two were holding hands. Want the whole school to see that?" He snickered, holding up a picture of Hooni and me on his phone.

"Dude, you're literally trying to blackmail me, and you're the one calling me a bitch..? Think that part should be the other way around, shouldn't it?" I started with a blank expression, to which he gave me a scolding look. "Show the whole school, then. The entire world, I don't give a shit."

He smirked. "Come on, you know you don't want to be seen with this loser~" Ew.

I was starting to get annoyed, like hella annoyed. Not that I wasn't already. "You're right, I don't wanna be seen with you. Let me go and find Hooni-"

He snapped at me. "You fucking bitch! Stop your stupid shit!"

"What? Do you really think I care about you showing everyone that picture? Well, reality check... I don't!" I raised my voice.

He smirked again. Ew, ew. "Ooh, you mad?"

"Actually, yes! Yes, I am! Why? Because you're fucking annoying! Just quit your yappin', already, you asshole!"

"Tch, fine." Hyung-Chul sighed as he turned around and started walking away.

"Yeah, that's right. Walk away! And if I ever see you around Hooni again, expect the worst for you!" I screamed at him, waving him off. Seriously, I have zero patience for ignorant assholes like him.

"Um, [Y/N]..?" I heard a soft voice called out behind me. I jumped a bit, rapidly turning around. It was Hooni, nervously gripping onto his backpack straps.

"Oh! Hey, Hooni!" I flashed him a bright smile. He just looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

He started scratching his cheek with his finger. "Um, w-who were you talking to just now..?" He asked.

"Oh, don't worry about that! Let's go to class, shall we?" I said, cheerfully. I shut my locker and started walking down the hallway.

"Uh, s-sure." He replied, following behind me. We then walked to class in complete silence. Well, not exactly. I was quietly humming a song I had in my head to calm myself down. I had gotten pretty heated for a second there.

I looked over to Hooni walking beside me. He obviously seemed on edge, which worried me a bit. I turned to face him. "Hooni. I promise you, you won't ever have to worry about those bullies ever again, alright?"

He looked up at me, surprised. "Oh, um... is that who you were talking to earlier?"

"Yeah, haha. I was pretty heated, so I was just trying to calm down a bit just now. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I scratched the back of my neck.

He looked down at his moving feet. "N-No, it's okay! Actually, I... I'm just grateful. You stood up for me and told them off when I never did anything for you in the first place. I... just wanted to say... thank you..."

"Aww, don't worry about it! Honestly, my life was pretty boring before enrolling here. Now, I get to see your cute face every day!" I exclaimed with a closed-eyed smile. Hooni had a blank expression before his face heated up, now looking as red as a tomato. Realizing what I had just said, my cheeks heated up as I turned my head the other way.

"Uh, I-I mean... N-Nevermind, just... forget I said anything." I looked down at the floor, trying my best to hide my face.

We finally reached our class, seating down in our seats. After a while of just sitting there in silence, I looked over at the guy sitting next to Hooni. I learned his name was Kim Jaehoon, the 2nd best student in this class.

"분류하다, classify*. 평가하다, evaluate*." He murmured to himself. Is he... memorizing English words? Damn, this guy has some dedication. To study before class even started? To study at school?! Honestly, I could never.


It was finally lunchtime, hooray! Hooni and I received our lunches and scanned for an empty table or just somewhere to sit. That was until my eyes landed on a familiar face sitting alone.

It was Jaehoon, who was just sitting quietly by himself, probably studying.

"Uh, there's no other place to sit besides with Jaehoon..." Hooni croaked out. Eh, hope he doesn't mind us.

"Let's go, then," I said, walking over to the table with Hooni following right behind me.

I stopped in front of Jaehoon, looking down at him. I slowly set my things down and sat down in front of him. Hooni then sat down next to me, sweat drops visible on my face.

"We should probably be quiet, I don't want to disturb him," I whispered to Hooni, who nervously nodded. We then ate our food in silence.

We all sat in utter silence for the rest of lunch.

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