𝚌 𝚑 𝚊 𝚙 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 𝚝 𝚠 𝚎 𝚕 𝚟 𝚎

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A/N: Hello, everyone! After a very unwanted writer's block, I present you with two chapters today! I hope you all enjoy them and thank you for being patient with me :)


So, it's still Wednesday. Um, if you're wondering about what happened; After school, I went over to Hooni's house and he confessed that he cuts himself when he's stressed and how that pain-in-the-ass, Hyung-Chul and his lackeys have been harassing him his whole life in high school. Hearing all of that really hurt me.

I would sometimes notice that he had a new bandage on his arm almost every single day, and the fact that he does that when he's stressed... that meant he was mostly stressed all the time! It made me cry, it really did.

I hugged him and we cried in each other's arms for what seemed like an eternity. After that, I told him that I would help him. I was going to help him better his life.

I don't care if he asked for it or not, I don't want him hurting himself like this no longer.


𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟷
𝚁𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝!

"Um, Hooni... is it okay if I stay the night? I also want to get rid of these box cutters, they can really go bye-bye." I said, getting a garbage bag to dispose of the box cutters. He tensed up for a minute, but soon agreed.

"Oh, u–um... okay." He muttered. Almost faster than the speed of light, I gathered the box cutters, put them in the bag, and dashed outside to throw it away. Hooni stared at me with shock while I did so, which I thought was a quite funny reaction.

I came back inside and plopped down on the floor next to him. "So... do you have anything else we need to get rid of?"

"Um, I... don't think so..." He mumbled, looking down and fidgeting with his fingers.

I smiled at him brightly. "That's great!"

We proceeded to sit there in complete silence. I didn't know what to say next, and Hooni was just being his quiet, beautiful self.

"Um... should we go to sleep? It's almost 11." I asked him, pointing to my watch.

He looked at it and nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're r–right." He answered.

"Okie dokie! Um... I should've asked this earlier, but... where can I sleep?" His eyes widened at my remark. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Um, I... actually don't have another mattress or anything for you, so... maybe it's not a good idea for you to stay over..." He mumbled, averting his eyes to the small window above his bed.

"Oh. Well, I can just sleep on the floor if you want?" I suggested.

He rapidly waved his hands in front of him with an anxious expression. "N–No way! I'm... not gonna make you sleep on the floor! Um..."

He seemed to be deep in thought for a bit. "Y–You can have my bed and... I'll sleep on the floor."

"Oh. That's... really nice of you, Hooni. Um, if you're not comfortable with it, I can always just sleep on the floor! That's where I wake up in the morning, anyway..." I scratched my neck.

"No. I can't repay you by making you sleep on the floor. Please, take my bed." He insisted. I sighed, letting out a deep breath.

"Fine... you win." I said with a playful wink. He smiled brightly from hearing my words.

"Alright. I'll see you in the morning, Hooni!" I exclaimed, pulling the blanket over my head and flipping onto my side, facing the wall. It smells like him... it's comforting to me.

"G–Goodnight..." He muttered, possibly shifting around to get more comfortable.

Honestly, I feel really bad for having him sleep on the floor. But, if that's what he wants... then so be it. I mean, at least he had an extra pillow and blanket, am I right?

Really, though... it felt great to see him smile like that.


𝙷𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚒'𝚜 𝙿.𝙾.𝚅

"Mmm..." I groggily opened my eyes, a bright light seeping into my vision. I felt... squished, for some reason?

I tried to sit up to stretch, but I was held back down.

Then, I had to sudden urge to look next to me... and there, I saw [Y/N] cuddling me! My eyes widened as I felt my face flush a bright red.

"Ah!" I shrieked from shock. My loud scream made them wake up, and realize the position we were in. We both looked at each other, our faces flushing a deep red.

They jumped up with their arms in the air with a shocked expression. "Oh, shit! I–I'm so sorry, Hooni!"

"I–It's okay. I was just... startled." I muttered, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"Um, eh... Anyway, let's just eat some breakfast and get ready for school. It's Thursday now, so we have one more day to study for the test!" [Y/N] said, clasping their hands together.

"Oh, um... about that. I... usually don't eat breakfast..?" I mumbled, slowly shrugging my shoulders. [Y/N] stayed silent at my comment.

"Okay, that's another thing we have to do today... we'll go grocery shopping after school!" They said, writing it down on their to-do list.

"W–Wait, but... I don't have the money for any! And I don't want you to pay for everything again when I didn't ask for it!" I argued. [Y/N] stopped what they were doing and paused for a minute, stroking their chin in deep thought.

After a while of thinking, [Y/N] turned to me with a sly smile on their face. "Are you sure about that, Hooni?"

I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "Um, yes... I'm... pretty sure I'm broke."

"Well, then... what is this?" [Y/N] picked up a paper check with their two fingers. They handed it to me and I took it in a puzzled manner. Once I took a good look at it, my eyes widened.

"W–Where did this come from?! I don't remember getting this!" I shouted.

[Y/N] giggled with a bright smile. "Looks like you had a job I didn't know about. I'm sure you have enough now."

"I–I... I don't understand." I muttered, holding the check shakily in my hands.

"Aww, don't worry about it! Now, you won't have to feel bad about me spending my money! Now, come on. We've gotta get ready for school!"

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