𝚌 𝚑 𝚊 𝚙 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 𝚏 𝚒 𝚏 𝚝 𝚑 𝚝 𝚎 𝚎 𝚗

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[𝚈/𝙽]'𝚜 𝙿.𝙾.𝚅

"So, got any idea what we're doing yet?" I asked, walking in between Hooni and Jaehoon.

"No, not yet," Jaehoon answered.

"M-Maybe we could ask Soorim..? He's usually up to date with upcoming events and stuff like that..." Hooni suggested.

"You're a genius, Hooni!" I exclaimed, throwing my arm around his shoulder. He yelped from the sudden contact, but didn't seem to mind after a few seconds and relaxed a bit. "How about we go over there right now and ask him?"

Jaehoon shrugged. "Eh, I suppose."


"Whoa, I've never been in Soorim's apartment before," I said once we were let in by his mom.

"Yeah... This is my first time, too, actually." Hooni replied, glancing around. He seemed so mesmerized by the place that I couldn't not smile at him.

Jaehoon jerked his head at Hooni. "Really? I thought you two were 'best buddies' or something like that? At least that's what Soorim said."

"Oh, well... he just comes over to my place all the time, that's why," Hooni answered.

"Soorim! Your friends are here to see you!" Soorim's mom called for him, eventually heading back into the kitchen.

"Come in!" We could hear Soorim's voice shout. We piled down the hallway to his room, Jaehoon opening the door.

"Hey, guys! How's it going? Did y'all miss me or somethin'?" Soorim greeted, keeping his eyes on the TV in front of him. His console is so loud, I could literally hear it clacking from outside the room...

We sat down on the floor beside his bed. "Hey, Soorim! We actually wanted to see if you knew about any fun events that are coming up around here? Hooni told us you're the expert." I explained. Soorim paused his game, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm... Fun events, huh? What for, exactly?" He questioned.

"Oh, well-"

"Hooni just really wants to see what grade he got on his test, so he wants to spend the weekend together and do something fun to pass the time." Jaehoon interrupted me, patting Hooni's shoulder.

"A-And we think it would be a fun bonding moment for all of us! Right?" I added, looking over at Jaehoon once I finished.

Soorim hummed. "Oh, I see! Hmm... Oh! There is one, I'm pretty sure." Soorim shot up from his bed and started moving papers around on his desk. "I should have the flier around here somewhere... Here it is!"

Soorim plopped down in front of us with a flier, stating there was going to be a holiday festival tomorrow.

I raised an eyebrow at the flier. "Hmm, holiday festival? It's not really close to Christmas yet, though-"

"Who cares? It sounds like fun, doesn't it? We should go!" Soorim exclaimed, throwing his fists in the air out of excitement.

"Y-Yeah! It does sound fun." Hooni agreed.

I sighed in defeat with a smile. "Alright, alright. As long as we have fun, right?" I said, to which the two boys excitedly jumped in the air(more like Hooni following Soorim). "Jaehoon, you in?"

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