[35: I love you to the bone]

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The wedding ceremony is finally finished and Chenle exhaustedly threw himself on the hotel bed. The wedding ceremony is held on this familiar hotel. The 6 stars hotel that Jisung's father owns.

With a lengthy sigh, Chenle stood up from the bed as he decided to change his suit into more comfortable clothes.

Few minutes have passed, Chenle got out of the bathroom wearing a white t-shirt and sweatpants while drying his hair with a towel.

He turned on the hair dryer and continued to dry his hair. Once he's finished he opened the refrigerator and grabbed a can of Sprite. He then went to the balcony and inhaled the fresh and salty air, probably coming from the waves of the sea. The male looked up and saw the stars shining brightly.

The stars kind of reminds me of that one night...

Chenle sipped on the bottle of Sprite and sat on the balcony chair. He then finished his sprite and threw it on the trash can. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and threw himself on the bed again.

"What a long day..."

Chenle let out a sigh again as he tucked himself into the bed and turned off the lights coming from the lamp. Chenle closed his eyes, wanting to fall asleep fast after a long day. But the image of Jisung that he saw earlier kept on appearing on his mind.

Half an hour have passed and he gave up on sleeping. He stands up from the bed, opened the lights, and heads to the door of the hotel room to take a walk outside.

There Chenle is, on the beach. Looking at the sea water that is showing the reflection of the moon. Its really calming.

"Its been awhile." A voice was suddenly heard beside Chenle making him startled.

Chenle dramatically puts his hands on his chest, "That scared the shit out of me."

The stranger laughed, "You're still the same Chenle that I know."

Chenle finally realized who is the stranger, "Jisung?"

"You've gotten a lot more handsome." Jisung said in which Chenle laughed at.


"How about me? Did I also got a lot more handsome too?" Jisung asked.

Chenle shook his head, "No."

Jisung let out a pout, "No?"

"You're not handsome, you've gotten a lot more matured now and turned into a fine man. Not the teen Jisung I knew before." Chenle said.

Jisung let out a smile, "Was that a compliment?"

Chenle scoffed, "Obviously."

"Then, thank you."

"So...how's your wife doing?"

Jisung raised an eyebrow, "Wife? I don't have a wife."

"I thought you got married?"

"Nah, it was cancelled."

"Then, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Why do you ask? Are you interested in me?" Jisung teased the shorter boy.

Flustered, Chenle didn't expect that question at all. "Um, n-no."

"Whatever you say, but I'm still interested in you though."

That caught Chenle off guard, "What?"

Looks like Jisung didn't know what just came out of his mouth, "W-what?"

"You're still interested in me? After 7 years? H-how?" Chenle's cheeks is now covered with a pink crimson shade.

"Maybe my heart just wants you and nobody else."


Chenle bursted out in laughter, "You're being ridiculous, Jisung."

"Maybe I am but that's what I am sure of." Jisung also bursted out in laughter.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jisung asked.

Chenle finally calmed down, "Y-yeah? What is it?"

"Are you still interested in me?" Jisung asked with sincere eyes that is looking at Chenle's.


Jisung let out a satisfied smile, "I knew it."

Chenle jokingly rolled his eyes, "Then why did you even ask?"

"Just wanted to make sure."


Before Chenle finish saying his sentence, the sound of fireworks interrupted him.

"Woah, that's so pretty." Chenle's eyes shined while looking at the colorful fireworks in the sky.

While Chenle is busy looking at the fireworks, Jisung looked at the fascinated boy and pecked him on the cheek. "I know, its indeed pretty.

Chenle turned his head to the younger, "Yah, who told you that you could kiss m-"

Chenle couldn't finish his own sentence when Jisung's soft lips is now on his. Still flustered and surprised, Chenle didn't kiss back but after a few moment, he decided to kiss the younger boy back.

Jisung slowly pulled out from the kiss, "I love you, Chenle. To the bone."

Chenle smiled, "I love you too, Jisung. To the bone."

In the end, they did love each other to the bone.


a short bonus chapter is coming~

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