[19: suhee's cupcakes]

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So, the news is true. NoRenMin is finally official.

Jeno and Jaemin invited Renjun, Chenle, and Donghyuck to their table. So far, nothing seems awkward and they were getting along well.

The six were seated together, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Donghyuck, Chenle, and Jisung.

Oh, and Mark? Seems like he's late today which is a relief to Donghyuck since he can make himself ready to see Mark more closer now. Not staring from afar anymore.

NoRenMin and Donghyuck is having small talks together while Chenle and Jisung just sat there, silently eating their lunch.

Chenle didn't want to look at Jisung because he is sure that if he will, he would burst out laughing because of the crumbled tissue inserted on Jisung's nose.

Chenle still couldn't believe it, why would Jisung's nose bleed just because he winked at him?

"Hey guys! I see we got some new friends here!" Mark greeted the boys as he sat down beside Jisung, right infront of Donghyuck's face.

"Oh yeah, they're-" Jeno was about to introduce the three boys until Mark cuts him off.

"Chenle, Renjun, and Donghyuck." Mark said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Wait, how do you know Renjun and Donghyuck?" Jaemin asked as he furrowed his eyebrows at Mark.

"How would I not know Renjun? You talk about him 24/7." Mark said which Jeno and Jaemin agreed to. Hearing that, Renjun's ears started to get red.

"What about Donghyuck? I'm pretty sure you two haven't met yet." Jeno asked.

"Who said we haven't met yet? I was with him last Foundation Day."

Chenle smiled teasingly as he elbowed Donghyuck's arm.

"Y-yah, that hurts." Donghyuck mumbled at Chenle as he kept his head hung low to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"Well, now that we all know each other lets eat lunch, shall we?"

The seven boys started to eat their lunch with silly stories and giggles. They were getting to know each other.

Jeno and Jaemin knew about Jisung and Chenle being enemies but they also knew Jisung liked Chenle very much. They witnessed how Jisung always admires the boy and they think inviting Chenle, Renjun and Donghyuck was a great idea.

While the guys is busy chatting, Chenle heard a notification sound that came from his phone. He opened it to see who messaged him.

(Park Jisung)

Hey, are you enjoying your lunch? I pushed a chocolate milk carton infront of you :)
sent 12:21 pm

Chenle looked up from his phone to see a chocolate milk carton infront of him and looked at Jisung who had a small smile on his lips. That made Chenle smile too.

sent 12:22pm

Chenle turned off his phone and opened the milk carton and drank the chocolate milk. He gave Jisung a thumbs up. Jisung looked away with a sly smile on his face.

"Yah, where'd you get that?" Donghyuck asked as he saw the chocolate milk that Chenle was drinking.

"I-i bought it." Chenle unintentionally stuttered.

"I didn't saw you buying chocolate milk today..." Donghyuck looked at Chenle suspiciously and turned his head to Jisung who was avoiding eye contact.

Donghyuck's lips formed into a smirk, "That's suspicious."


"Suhee-nim!" Donghyuck yelled as he ran to Suhee.

Suhee turned around and looked at Donghyuck's name tag, "Yes, Donghyuck?"

Donghyuck spaced out for a second there and wondered how Suhee knew his name and that's when it came to his mind that they wear name tags.

"I heard you were selling red velvet cupcakes today, can I buy one?" Donghyuck asked. He remembered eavesdropping his two classmate's conversation earlier that they bought cupcakes from Suhee today and it was delicious. After hearing that conversation, Donghyuck wanted to buy one and give it to Mark.

"Sorry, Donghyuck. But my red velvet cupcakes has been sold out today and nothing is left." Suhee frowned.

"Oh, is that so? Its okay, Suhee-nim. Have a nice day ahead!" Donghyuck smiled at her but he actually felt a little sad inside, he wanted to repay Mark for the Sunflowers he gave last time.

"You too, see you around school!" Suhee waved her hand at him as she started to walk away.

Donghyuck turned back with a frown on his lips and made his way to his locker.

What should I give him now?

Donghyuck opened his locker and puts the books from his bag inside the locker. He then closed it.

He turned around and saw Mark that was behind him all this time. The male has his hand on his backpack strap.

"AGH, you scared me!" Donghyuck pushed his back against his locker while he clenched his palm on his heart.

"Sorry..." Mark apologized as Donghyuck quickly stands up straight again and his ears started to turn red. Why does Mark had to see him like that?!

"Its okay, but w-why were you behind me all this time?"

Mark chuckled lightly as he showed a small white box that he has been hiding on his back earlier.

"Take it." Mark gave the small white box to Donghyuck and the tanned male opened it. It was a red velvet cupcake.

"W-what's this for?" Donghyuck's heart started to beat in a rapid pace again.

Mark scratched the back of his neck, "Uh, someone gave it to me and I don't like sweet things."

"A-are you sure you're really giving this to me?" Donghyuck stared at the red velvet cupcake.

Mark nodded, "Yeah, take it."

"I gotta go. Bye, see you tomorrow." Mark gave Donghyuck a small smile and Donghyuck swears, he almost fainted because of that gorgeous smile.

"O-oh, okay. Bye!" Donghyuck waved his hand at Mark and Mark waved back.

Donghyuck saw Mark's back walking away.

After he saw Mark was out of sight, Donghyuck slumped his back on the locker again and slowly slipped down to the ground.

He touched his burning cheeks, Wah...this must be a dream.l

Little did he know, Mark didn't receive that cupcake but bought it for Donghyuck during their lunch time that's why Mark was late to sit on their table.

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