[14: you're alive?]

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Chenle opened the door as the sound of bells jiggling was heard.

"Welcome- oh, hi there Chenle!" Renjun waved his hand at the boy who just entered the bakery from the counter.

"Sup, ge. I'll get a slice of strawberry cake!" Chenle waved his hand back at the older as he looked around to take a seat and saw Donghyuck on one of the tables completely concentrated on playing a game on his phone.

Chenle pushed the chair outwards as he took a seat infront of the tanned boy.

"Oh, Chenle. You're alive?" Donghyuck finally raised his head up but placed his attention on the game again.

"What do you mean?" Chenle asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"You haven't been answering my calls and texts since last weekend. And you were also not in your apartment. I thought you ran away, I almost called the police-"

"Hyung, chill. I'm sorry if I didn't answer your calls and texts. Signal in Jeju sucks."

"Oh, so that's why- wait, you went to Jeju? WITHOUT ME?!" Donghyuck raised his head up and gave Chenle a betrayed facial expression. 

"U-uh, its not that I didn't want you to come with me, i-its just that-" Chenle panicked as he tried to explain but he kept on stuttering.

"Wait, you also went to Jeju last weekend?" A voice suddenly said and it was heard behind Chenle's back. So he turned around to see who just spoke.

"Um, yes. Did the two of you also went there?" Chenle said as he saw Jaemin and Jeno sitting beside each other on a table next to them while eating chocolate cake.

"Went where?" Renjun asked as he placed down the plate with the slice of strawberry cake infront of Chenle.

"Jeju." Chenle replied.

"What's that?" Renjun asked as he tilted his head to the side a little.

"Its a province."

"Oh..." Renjun said as he awkwardly went back to the counter.

Jaemin glared at Chenle's cake.

"Ew, you eat strawberries? Disgusting, strawberries should be banned in this world." [a/n: it was painful to write this] Jaemin said as he had a disgusted expression displayed across his face.

Jeno heard what Jaemin said and laughed it off. He always knew about the beef between his boyfriend and strawberries so he always avoided giving or feeding Jaemin strawberries or any foods with strawberries in it.

"What do you mean? Strawberries is good as heck." Chenle was a bit offended since he's a fan of strawberries but decided to not show it.

"I don't know, I just hate it."

"Anyways, as I was saying. Did you two went to Jeju last weekend?" Chenle repeated his question again.

"Nope, but Jisung probably went there last weekend since we also can't contact him." Jeno said while he took a bite on the chocolate cake.

"Why would he go there?"

"He probably went to meet his father." Jaemin replied.

"His father owns a six stars hotel there and Jisung goes every three weeks to visit his father." Jeno added.

"Really? So Jisung is really that rich? Woah..." Donghyuck said with his mouth formed into an O. He probably forgot that his bestfriend is literally a son of a millionaire.

Wait, isn't the venue of Chenle's father wedding was at a six stars hotel too?

"What's the hotels name?"

"I forgot since its been a long time since we visited the hotel, but I could clearly remember that the hotel was nearby a beach." Jeno said.

"Do you remember the hotel's name, babe?" Jeno asked Jaemin.

"Nope..." Jaemin shook his head.

"Oh, a six stars hotel, huh?" Chenle said as he puts his fingers on his chin.

"Why did you ask, by the way?"

"Nothing special."

"Chenle, did you perhaps met Jisung while you were in Jeju and went to that six stars hotel to-" Donghyuck's sentence was cutted off by Chenle shoving a piece of cake on his naughty mouth.

Jaemin and Jeno laughed at the tanned boy.

"Shut up, hyung." Chenle said as he stabbed the poor slice of strawberry cake.

Donghyuck quickly zipped his mouth shut as he saw Chenle getting annoyed for some reason.

"I meant, you two went to the hotel to break each other's bones! You're thinking something else, Chenle-ya, are you?" Donghyuck continued to tease the younger boy.

"Absolutely not!" Chenle answered as he felt his ears getting warmer.

"You're ears are turning red, Chenle~"

"Tomato Chenle~"

"Hyungs, shut it!"


just finished watching hello future and paint the town (by loona)

both are bops.

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