[08: is this a dream?]

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"But Hyuck would be alone-" Renjun said as he was being dragged away by Jaemin.

"Oh, don't worry. Its okay for him. Right, Donghyuck?" Jaemin looked at Donghyuck's direction and winked at him.

"Y-yep....don't worry about me, Renjun! Its okay, go have fun with them!" Donghyuck said as he smiled at Renjun reassuringly.

"O-okay. Bye, Hyuck!" Renjun said hesitantly as he waved his hand at Donghyuck.

Donghyuck sighed as he looked at Renjun being dragged away.

Donghyuck sighed again, Well...looks like I'm spending Foundation Day alone.

Donghyuck decided to walk around since there is nothing better he can do.

He saw the other students laugh and smile with their friends, clearly enjoying Foundation Day. Poor Donghyuck, he was waiting for this day to have fun and now he has to spend it all alone. He didn't want Renjun to be dragged away by both Jaemin and Jeno but it was too late. Jaemin gave him a 'just go with it or else...' glare earlier then winked at him. All he could do is agree since he was scared for his life.

While walking, the flower booth caught his attention. He walked into the booth looking at the fresh looking flowers displayed on the basket. The Sunflowers have caught his attention. They just stood out the most, and it is his favorite flower. Chenle even said it resembles Donghyuck.

"Watch out!"

After that, all Donghyuck could remember was the back of his head being hit by a ball and fainting.

"Oh my god! Bring him to the clinic quickly!"


Donghyuck fluttered his eyes open slowly as he saw a unfamiliar ceiling above him.

"W-where am I?" Donghyuck asked himself as he sat up from the bed and looked around.

"You're at the school's clinic." A voice suddenly said beside him.

He looked at where the voice came from and saw Mark sitting on a chair beside the clinic bed.

Donghyuck stared at Mark with his mouth slightly open for a good 10 seconds.

Oh shit, how is he always shining?

"Close your mouth before a bug comes inside of it." Mark said, which snapped Donghyuck out of his thoughts.

"O-oh, r-right..." Donghyuck's face turned bright red from embarrassment and quickly closed his mouth.

"..can I ask why am I here again?"

"I accidentally hit the back of your head with a volleyball earlier while we we're playing. I carried you here because you fainted."

"Y-you carried me??" Donghyuck asked, who was completely flustered because of the last sentence that Mark said.

"Yes, and you were really light. Please do eat more." Mark said as he nodded his head and tapped the tanned male's shoulder.

"O-okay. I will..." Donghyuck said as he tried to fight back his smile.

Ms. Do, their school nurse entered the room while holding a folder on her hand.

"Mr. Lee Donghyuck. You fainted easily because you have not been eating lately. Make sure to eat three times a day, okay? You can now go home early today and rest, I already excused you from your professor." Ms. Do said.

"Okay, Ms. Do. I'll eat more! I was on a diet that's why I tried eating less."

"You should eat more. Forget about dieting for now. You're still a young man so always stay healthy, okay?" Ms. Do smiled at him as she heads to the door.

Donghyuck gave her a small smile and bowed at her lightly.


"Uh, where are you taking me?" Donghyuck asked as he looked at Mark's hands that was gripping his wrist.

Mark didn't say anything as they continued to walk.

"Wait here." Mark lets go of Donghyuck's wrist as the older walked closer into a certain booth.

"What is he doing?"

Mark came back holding a Sunflower on his hands. Looks like he bought it from the booth Donghyuck was taking a look at earlier.

"Take it." Mark said as he reached out the Sunflower on his hands.

"What's this for?" Flustered and confused, Donghyuck hesitantly accepted the Sunflower from Mark's hands which made their hands brush against each other.

Their hands just brushed against each other but Donghyuck's stomach has erupted with butterflies. What more if they would ever kiss or hug each other?

"I saw you looking at the Sunflowers earlier when I accidentally hit your head with a ball. Its a gift, and I'm sorry." Mark said, he was looking around and scared to meet Donghyuck's eyes or else he might turn into a tomato.

"Its fine, and um...t-thank you." Donghyuck let out a sly smile.

Is this even real? Is Mark really talking to him and even gave him his favorite flower? Gosh, he wanted to thank that ball.

"Make sure to eat more just like Ms. Do said. I don't want to see you faint anymore."


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