[17: first date, gone wrong?]

747 31 3

(Park Jisung)

I'm here at Han River, where are y|


Chenle jumped at the sudden yell he heard and hands that touched his shoulders.

"Goodness, you scared me." Chenle dramatically puts his palm on his chest area near the heart.

"I can't believe you came." The person that scared Chenle earlier, a.k.a Park Jisung, said. Who had a satisfied smile displayed on his lips.

"I was just bored at home and decided to come." Actually, that was a lie, Chenle would rather study all day on his apartment but decided to come anyway since he kind of felt bad for the younger boy.

And maybe...Chenle wanted to give Jisung a chance to make him like Jisung back.

"You and your lame excuses." Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Its not an excuse, i-it was the truth-"

"Anyway,we should start this date, shall we?" Jisung asked as he smiled at Chenle.

"Whatever." Chenle rolled his eyes at the taller boy as they started to walk, not knowing where they are walking to.

Han River looks nice today. Plus, the weather is great and it seemed like it cooperated with Jisung. There is a generous amount of people having a good time at Han River. There were couples, families, pets and their owners taking them on a walk, and many other types of people you could see.

The two is walking silently and is looking around, well, actually its just Chenle who is looking around. Jisung is looking at Chenle the whole time and not the view.

Thinking it was the perfect timing, Jisung sneakily grabbed Chenle's hand that was brushing on his as they walked.

"Yah, let go." Chenle felt Jisung's hand that successfully grabbed his.

"No, not letting go." Jisung answered as he looked at his hand that was grabbing Chenle's lifeless hands. It just reminded Jisung that this love is one sided.

"My hand sweats and its disgusting. That's enough reason to let my hand go." Chenle tried to remove Jisung's hands from his as he just noticed, their hand sizes has a big difference. His innocent hands looked like it belonged to a baby next to Jisung's big hands with pretty and long fingers.

"Holy shit, why are your hands so big?" Chenle asked as he eyed his and Jisung's entangled hands.

"W-what about it?" Jisung stuttered as he saw Chenle was mesmerized by their hand differences.

"Anyways, please let go."

"Fine." Jisung did what Chenle said and removed his hand from Chenle's smaller one with a pout on his lips.

The both started to walk again and Chenle suddenly stopped which made Jisung confused.

Jisung looked at where was Chenle was looking at. It was a bike-rental place.

"Do you want to go biking?" Jisung asked as Chenle's face lit up from what he said.

"Yes!" Chenle answered excitedly.

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