[22: since when were you this attractive, park jisung?]

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Chenle slowly fluttered his eyes open as the delicious smell coming from the kitchen lingered on his nose. He groaned and sat up from the bed, walking out of the bedroom to go to the kitchen.

He saw Jisung and his grandma who is busy working on something.

"What's for breakfast?" Chenle asked making the two stop on what they were doing.

"Good morning!" Jisung smiled at him as he waved his hand at the boy.

"Egg rolls is for breakfast, dear. Sit down with Jisung at the table and i'll serve breakfast in a while." Chenle's grandma said with a smile on her face as she pointed at the dining table.

Chenle did what his grandma said with a yawn.

"But, ma'am-" Jisung insisted on not helping Chenle's grandma anymore.

"Just go." She said as Jisung gave up and untied his apron.

He placed the apron on the back of a chair and went to sit beside Chenle on the dining table. The older still looked a bit sleepy.

"Did you sleep well?" Jisung asked the sleepy male.

The shorter nodded, "Yep.."

Are you curious how the two slept on one bedroom last night? Well, Jisung could also sleep on the bed since its pretty wide but do you know what Chenle did? He pushed Jisung off the bed and the poor boy landed on the comforter that was on the cold floor.

All the younger could do was pout and slept on the comforter anyway.

"Thanks, to me. You slept well."

Chenle rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

"Breakfast is here!" Chenle's grandma exclaimed as she placed down a plate with appetizing looking egg rolls.

Chenle's mouth almost watered at the sight.

Chenle's grandma sat down infront of the two, "Dig in!"

"Thanks for the food!" Chenle didn't forget his table manners as he started to pinch the egg roll with his metal chopsticks.

He then brought it into his mouth, "Delicious!"

Chenle's grandma and Jisung is satisfied with Chenle's reaction. The three of them started digging in and Jisung placed a slice of egg roll on Chenle's plate who is clearly enjoying his meal.

"Jisung helped me with the cooking." Chenle's grandma said as Jisung smiled proudly.

"He isn't a bother, is he?" Chenle asked.

"Not at all! He just asked me if he should wash the tomatoes with dish soap." Chenle's grandma said which made Chenle burst into laughter, almost chocking on his food.

Jisung quickly poured Chenle's cup with water and gave it to him, "Ma'am, you said you wouldn't say that to Chenle!"

"Sorry, dear. It was just too funny to not share."


The two is now watering the flowers [a/n: I accidentally typed 'flowering the flowers' lol, is this mark lee effect?] because Chenle's grandma asked them if they could.

While Jisung was peacefully doing what he needs to do, he felt a splash of water coming from his back.

He turned around and saw the culprit who was bursting out in laughter, "Sorry! I thought you were a flower."

Jisung's lips formed into a smirk, "So this is how you want to play, huh?"

Jisung held the water hose onto Chenle's direction making the older yelp, "Park Jisung!"

Chenle didn't want to lose as he continued to splash the water at Jisung. The two continued doing that and its now a water fight, their shirts is now wet and giggles came out of their mouths.

Chenle was laughing too much and fell backwards, slipping on the mud. Before he could really fall to the ground, Jisung was quick to catch him with his arms.

"Why are you so clumsy, Zhong Chenle?"

Just like any typical romantic k-dramas, Chenle felt like the time slowed down as he continued to stare at Jisung's eyes.

But one thing is for sure, his heart was beating like a maniac.

Since when were you this attractive, Park Jisung?

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