Abby walks in after, straight to my dad. They definitely have something going on. His eyes light up when he sees her. I look to Lincoln to see if he notices this shit and he just smiles and nods.

"I told you not to do this." My dad stated.

"Why would I start listening to you now?" Abby rebuttals. Honestly that's cute. I won't lie. But get me the fuck outta here and stop flirting.

"This wasn't the plan we were supposed to use their frequencies so they could hear us." Octavia announces. I turn to her and she talks to the walkie. I couldn't even hear her but I knew something was wrong. "How many." I hear her ask.

"Guards, all guards the prisoners are headed to the main gate I repeat the prisoners are headed to the main gate." I heard Monty shout over the walkie.

"That was Monty." I announce.

"I guess he's with us after all." Miller adds.

"We don't know that." Abby disagrees. "What we do know is, we have to move." She begins walking out and we all follow.

We walk all the way to the room with the hatch in the wall, Octavia and I escaped through a few days ago. Wow a lot can happen in a few days. One by one we jump into the hatch. I stand with Lincoln at the door for lookout.

"C'mon Abby you're next." My dad whispers. She doesn't reply so I look over and SEE THEM KISSING. I look away but nudge Lincoln to make him look over. He quietly laughs.

"May we meet again." Dad says.

"We will." She smiles and walks off. He turns to me and shrugs his shoulders in a 'yeah I just did that' kind of way. Octavia comes through with the walkie in her hand. Pike was talking.

"I have a message for the traitors in this camp. There will be an execution today. Either turn yourselves in, or the other grounder prisoners will die in your place."

Octavia immediately turns it off. "Let's go." She grabs Lincoln but he steps aside. She grabs him like Bellamy does and stops him.

"No wait." She spits.

"I can't let them die because of me." Lincoln shakes his head.

"Lincoln, please. We're almost out." She tries to pull him to the door.

"I know what your feeling, but they're searching the station. We need to go now." My dad agrees.

"Lincoln please." I begged.

"You should." Lincoln huffed.

"Fine. I'm going with you." Octavia asserted. "We fight together." She speaks in Trigedasleng.

"I love you." He grabs her cheek and kisses her. He sneaks the sleep needle in her neck.

"No." She falls asleep and he picks her up.

"What are you doing?" My dad and I ask at the same time.

"Same thing you'd do for your people. Just get her out of here." Lincoln cries. He hands Octavia to my dad and looks to me as they crawl in the vent.

"Lincoln you can't." A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Avery, please. I wouldn't be able to live knowing they died because of me."

"But what will I do without you? What will Octavia do without you?"

"You'll be okay. Take care of her. Take care of Bellamy." He hugs me and turns and walks off. I wanted to do everything in my power to run after him but my legs were stuck.

I was paralyzed.

I turn to the vent and get in and close the door behind me. I crawl as warm tears pour out of my eyes. I couldn't think about losing Lincoln but the image in my brain played on repeat. He was going to die.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now