It was finally dark out after he left, maybe it had been dark for a while I couldn't tell. The rover pulled in and I greeted them at the door.

"Not now Avery." Bellamy seethed.

"Um no, what happened?" I grab his arm like he does to me to stop him from walking.

"I think you know exactly what happened. Monroe is dead because of you." He fumed. He ripped his arm away and walked off. He was angry, at least there was an emotion there?

What did he mean Monroe was dead because of me? I did nothing. I'm so confused. Holy shit, Octavia warned the grounders and they stood up for their village, they did it.

I went to my room and layed down. I stared at the ceiling for hours thinking about Octavia and Cameron and Bellamy. Everyone. How this chip could save everyone but could also make us forget who we are. I fell asleep undecided.


I walked out side to see the gate opening. I felt like how Anna felt in Frozen when they opened the gate for coronation day! I ran up beside Bellamy. He put his arm out so I couldn't pass him. He walked out and 2 grounders on horses awaited him. I followed him out.

"Talk." Bellamy ordered. His voice was raspy and sharp. I couldn't help but notice his hair blowing with the wind. His skin glowed with the morning sun. Fuck he's so hot.

"We seek the one you call Pike." One man announced.

"Chit ste going ona?" I asked.
(What is going on)

"An army has fallen, blood soaking the earth where he took their lives one by one." He announces.

"Welcome to the war against Skaikru." Bellamy rasped. My head shot to the side. My mouth dropped. He didn't look at me but he knew I was looking at him.

"Life was taken. We demand life in return."

"My life?" Pike walks forward. His strut was powerful.

I hate him but I understand how Bellamy sees him as a 'role model'. He's confident, strong about what he believes in and doesn't back down. A lot like Bellamy when we first got on the ground.

"What are your terms, sir?" Pike questions.

"Come with us, and we walk away."

"Walk away from what?"

"By order of the commander, you have been surrounded by an army of the 12 clans. In every direction, warriors wait to kill anyone who attempts to cross the blockade, to greet them as we greeted those we caught outside your walls today." He throws a blanket with bloody guard uniforms at Pike's feet.

"We left the bodies for the animals." The man finishes.

"That's enough." Bellamy growled.

"Let's go." Pike instructs.

"They won't leave. I have seen this before." Bellamy turns his head to me as he speaks.

"The men who wore those uniforms took a long time to die." The grounder continues.

"Bellamy, fall back. That's an order." Pike ordered, literally. Bellamy stays standing there.

"If you do not give up your leader, you will all take a long time to die."

Bellamy doesn't move, neither do I. I'm not afraid of these men killing me, they won't. They'll kill Bellamy if anything.

"Bellamy-" Pike spits.

"Choose the side that's best for your people." The grounder adds.

"I do that every day." Bellamy pulls his gun out and shoots the first grounder. I grab his gun and point it down and he shoots the ground next to my foot. We both look up, scared and shocked. Pike grabs my arm and pulls me down to the ground. Bellamy pulls the gun back up and shoots the second grounder. The horses run away with the dead men still on their backs.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now