Mackenzie walked into the E.R. to find an influx of patients. They were victims of a restaurant employee shooting up the restaurant he worked at.

Derek, who just finished tending to one of the patients, panicked when he saw his daughter in the E.R.

"Honey, what are you doing in here?! You're too young to see all this!"

Though Mackenzie knew he was concerned, she couldn't help but flinch at his tone. It sounded... angry. And Derek never got angry with Mackenzie.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I couldn't find you, so I came down here to look for you," she replied loud enough for Derek to hear.

The neurosurgeon ran a hand through his hair. "Sweetheart, as much as I appreciate your concern, I need you to leave, okay? I'll be fine, I promise. But I'm not letting you — my 11-year-old daughter — walk around the E.R. and be surrounded by blood and gruesome injuries."

Mackenzie nodded at her mother's words, relaxing a bit when she felt him kiss her head lovingly.

"I don't want you to worry, sweetheart. Everything's going to be okay. Now... why don't you go and sit with Denny for a little while, hmm? He's getting his heart today, and I'm sure he'd love to see that beautiful smile of yours."

At the mention of Denny getting his heart, Mackenzie perked up excitedly. "You're serious? He-He's really getting his heart today?"

Derek chuckled with a nod. "Yes he is, honey. He's really getting his heart today. But if you're going to go and see him, you should probably get going now, okay? And let me know if you leave Denny's room at any time, okay? I need to know where you are. Can you do that for me, angel?"

Mackenzie nodded. "I can do that. Go save some lives. I love you, Mama."

Derek smiled and kissed his daughter's cheek. "Mama will always love you more, baby girl."

/ / /

Mackenzie and Izzie both walked into Denny's room at the same time.

Izzie smiled at Denny. "I have some news for you."

Denny chuckled. "Am I getting a better television? Because this one is ridiculously small and it doesn't get the porny channels."

"Denny, that's gross! I'm 11 years old; I don't need to hear things like that," Mackenzie said in disgust.

"Sorry, Kenzie. I'll keep it PG — I promise. Now... what's this news of yours, Izzie?" Denny asked the intern.

"You're getting a heart, Denny."

Denny was silent for a few minutes. "I don't mean to be dramatic and all... but I'm going to need you to repeat that. And you say it slow, because this is one of those moments in life that I'm going to want to remember in detail."

"You... are getting a heart... from Mercy West. Dr. Burke already left to get it," Izzie informed.

Denny gave Izzie his famous bright smile. "I guess this means I'm going to have to start taking you on some real dates."

"I guess so," Izzie agreed.

Mackenzie gently hugged the patient. "You're getting the heart, Denny. I told you that you'd get your heart!"

"That you did, kiddo. That you did," he agreed.

Patricia entered the room with some forms. "Here we are, Mr. Duquette."

Izzie gave a look of confusion. "What are these?"

"DNR papers." Patricia answered.

"Do not resuscitate?" Izzie questioned.

If I Lay Here {Book 1} - Grey's Anatomy AUWhere stories live. Discover now