"You know? You're different from the other girls we've met."

"Wae? Am I that ugly?" I pouted, and him obviously sensing the teasing tone in my sentence.

"It's not that, you're not ugly—"

"So you're saying I'm not pretty as well?"

"What no!" he chuckled. "Will you please stop and let me finish my sentence?"

"hehe..." I laughed humorously.

"How do I explain this... Ah! That!" he pointed to my 'chest?!' "The mickey mouseyy" Ohh... "Girls won't wear that because they think it's childish. But it's actually cute."

"Well it is cute..." I grabbed the hem of my shirt and played with it.

"Namjoon!" one of the stylists called with a hair dryer on her hand.

"I guess that's my cue" he patted my knee and stood up, "hey there's a coffee shop nearby go get some so you won't get bored and... for you not to miss me that much" he winked.

"Are you spending a lot of time with your maknae? Cause you kind of sound like him" I let out a conflicted sigh.

"Aissh... This girl" he shook his head and continued to walk up to the stylist noona who called him.

On the other hand, I of course considered his proposition and started my search for the café. Drinking coffee would probably be a better choice to kill time than to wait for an hour sitting in a couch. The bittersweet aroma led me to the coffee shop and surprisingly, it was jam-packed. I lined up along with the other customers in the cashier line. After a few, finally, it was my turn.

"Um... 1 vanilla frappuccino, grande, no whipped cream please"

"That'll be 5 dollars, please wait on the other side for your order ma'am..." she smiled sweetly. I handed her the money, I'm a little picky when it comes to drinks so I make sure that I specifically give the right order.

"You're a little bit picky for a skinny girl." Yes I know, that's just what I thought. Duh? Wait-

I turned around and evidently... "What are you doing here?" with a dark blue hoodie and a mask to disguise his self is none other than Kim Minseok.

"Ordering some coffee..." he scoffed "yah? Are you following me?"

"No. Wae? Are you following me?" I have thrown the question back at him. To my surprise, I don't feel anything weird right now. I feel comfortable talking to him, it's not like the other day when I first met him I was stuttering, which was embarrassing. But now, it's just plainly comfy.

"What?! NO! I'm just here for the coffee" he retorted "what are you doing here anyway?"

"My friends asked me to watch their show, and as a supportive friend, which I am, I came here to cheer for them" I stated proudly.

"Order for Ms. Park!" a guy in a cream uniform called out.

"That's mine" I replied.

"Enjoy your drinks ma'am" he nicely said and flashed a sweet smile.

"Why thank you, I'll surely will" I smiled back.

"Order for Mr. Kim!" he returned to his job calling people's orders.

"Thanks" I heard him say.

"Hey, can I go with you? I have nothing better to do please?" he pleaded as soon as he jogged his way back to me. 

"I don't think I have any other options. You'll probably go anyways even if I say no."

"YUP!" he exclaimed smugly. "Hmp, stubborn Chinese bun" I murmured as I fasten my pace.

"Hey I heard that!" he complained from behind.

I laughed quietly to myself, and soon enough he was laughing beside me.

"Hey, were going for BTS' show" he questioned, I just flashed a smile at him. And there he was giving me questioning looks. I chuckled, "they're my friends."

"WHAT?!" he exclaimed loudly, calling the attention of some people. I awkwardly smiled to them and bowed as an apology.

"Will you please lessen your voice? You're attracting too much attention" I said through gritted teeth as I was still giving some elderly who were giving us doubtful looks.

"Sorry..." he apologized "I was just shocked, I never knew you're close to idols?"

"You never asked," I snapped back at him. "Besides we don't know each other that much anyway. We just constantly bump to each other?" I added.

"Nope, we're friends already" he said making me stop at my rate and look blankly at his back.

"Yah!" I shouted back and jogged towards him "Why? I never agreed to anything."

"Because I said so" he smiled childishly without even looking at me. I shrugged the thought and smiled inwardly. Who knew that a normal girl is capable to befriend her idol in such a short time?

 Upon our arrival, the staffs were giving Xiumin dubious looks. Who wouldn't? He's wearing a hoodie and a mask, he looked like someone who's ready to kidnap anytime. What a good looking kidnapper he is.

"Why are they looking at you?" he asked out of nowhere.

I stifled a laugh as we made our way in the dressing room, "they're not looking at me they're looking at you" causing him to raise his brow. "Psh," I pointed the ever-so-obvious cover up of his, the mask and the hoodie.

"Ohh... hehe" he laughed awkwardly as he removed the hoodie from his head but he kept the mask on. We entered the area, which was now filled with only eight people Bangtan and a stylist who was still working on Jungkook's hair.

"Hey guys" I greeted, with them turning their attention on me. Or rather to the man beside me.

"This is..." I started.

"Your boyfriend?!"

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